March Events
March Music
March Birthdays
March History
Things that rhyme with march or end in ch

This holiday is celebrated every March 17th

What is St. Patrick's Day


Developed at the direction of this American "March King" and named for him, this instrument was designed to be easier to play while standing or marching than the concert tuba.  

a. Standing tuba

b. sousaphone

c. zaxaphone

What is the sousaphone?


This "Notorious" U.S. Supreme Court Justice was born on the Ides of March 1933.

Who is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?


This fifth-century AD Christian missionary is thought to have died on March 17, a day that became a holiday celebrating him and the country where he was once enslaved by pirates.

Who is St. Patrick?


There are many definitions for this word:

  1. look at or observe attentively over a period of time.
    (look at, eye, gaze at, stare at, gape at, peer at, survey, scrutinize, examine, study, take in, take stock of, see, notice, spot, ogle, perceive, catch a glimpse of, make note of, etc)
  2. Or, you know a simple timepiece one might wear on their wrist



Spring Forward! In March we set the clocks ahead an hour.....why?

Daylight Savings Time


In 1996 ‘Because You Loved Me’ by __________ hit number one on the US Billboard Hot 100 for the first of six consecutive weeks. 

Celine Dion


The pop star known for extravagant outfits she wore to an awards shows was born on March 28, 1986.

Who is Lady Gaga


This physicist would have won a Breakthrough Prize, had it existed then, for this "relatively" groundbreaking theory, which he published on March 20, 1915. Nielhs Bohr, Richard Feynman, Albert Einstein

Who is Albert Einstein?


This structure is a 190-metre monument in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Clad in stainless steel, it is Missouri's tallest accessible building. Some sources consider it the tallest man-made monument in the Western Hemisphere.

The Gateway Arch


Time to put away the skis and get out the gardening equipment. This happens on March 20th.

What is the first day of spring?


John Williams' "Imperial March" is also known as the theme for this intergalactic villain. 

a. Darth Vader

b. Raz Al Guhl

c. Emperor Palpatine

Who is Darth Vader?


The actor was born on March 31, 1943. He was in movies like; The Jungle Book, Jersey Boy, Hairspray, and Wedding Crashers

Who is Christopher Walken


On March 1, 1872, this became the United States’ first national park. Yosemite, Yellowstone or Acadia

What is Yellowstone?


Definition: to decisively put an end to


A whiskey made in Scotland



This day in March celebrates the wonder of mathematics

What is Pi Day (3/14)


Lots of kids learn this Sousa march with the words:

Be kind to your web-footed friends

For a duck may be somebody's mother!

Stars and Stripes forever, you're a grand old flag, or yankee doodle

What is "The Stars and Stripes Forever"?


This "Rocket Man" and the "Queen of Soul" 

share the same birthday: March 25.

Who are Elton John and Aretha Franklin?


Sandra Day O’Connor, Jill Biden, Sally Ride, Mae Jemison, Condoleeza Rice, Melinda Gates, Michelle Obama, and Hillary Rodham and Chelsea Clinton all share a connection to this organization, founded in Savannah, GA, on March 12, 1912. 

a. Kappa Sorority

b. Girl Scouts

c. Campfire Girls

What is the Girl Scouts?


If someone is thirsty, they may say "I'm...."

It is also known as the process of drying something out with intense heat



This NCAA single-elimination basketball tournament is held each spring in the U.S.

What is March Madness


Sousa's "Liberty Bell" march is also known as the theme song of this wacky British comedy show. 

a. Little Britain

b.Monty Python

c. Dr. Who

What is Monty Python's Flying Circus?


This actor, "Zack" on TV series "Saved by the Bell", was born on March 1, 1974

Who is Mark-Paul Gosselaar


This series of non-violent actions in March 1965 played a critical role in raising awareness of racial injustice and contributed to passage of the Voting Rights Act later that year. Selma to Montogomery Marches, Counter Sit Ins, Montgomery Bus Boycott

What are the Selma to Montgomery marches?


A deep narrow mountain pass


an indentation or incision on an edge or surface



The Ides of March became an "infamous day" because of this event, which took place on March 15, 44 BC.

The fall of Rome, Assassination of Julius Caesar, the Norman Invasion

What is the assassination of Julius Caesar?


The march popularly known as "Here Comes the Bride" originated in the opera Lohengrin, written by this German composer. 

a. George Gershwin

b. Ludwig Beethoven

c. Richard Wagner 

Who is Richard Wagner?


The 7th U.S. President(1829-1837), hero of the War of 1812, and on the $20 bill was born on March 15, 1767

Who is Andrew Jaskson


The Star Spangled Banner becomes the National Anthem on this date;

A. March 6, 1931
B. March 13, 1931

C. March 3,1931

C. March 3,1931


When people hear the word _______ they may think of foods rich in carbs, such as potatoes, rice, and pasta.

...or when clothes are extra crisp and resistant to wrinkles



We celebrate this on March 8th! It is worldwide celebration of women's rights and celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. 

What is International Women's Day?


In March of 1971, James Taylor relapsed this album, his third album;

A. Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon

B. Fire and Rain

C. Walking Man 

What is A. Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon 


He's seen fire and he's seen rain. He turns 74 on March 12th

Who is James Taylor?


On March 25, 1911, this tragic event killed 146 people, mostly Jewish and Italian immigrant women, but led to new factory safety standards and spurred the growth of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.

Lowell Mill Explosion, Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, The Pepperell Mill shooting

What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire?


The name of numerous conifers of the genus Larix all having deciduous needlelike leaves


