Saucy Sauces
Military Trivia
Childhood Toys
Marching Forward

It is cooked, pureed apples combined with cinnamon and sugar.

What is applesauce? It’s a staple of kids’ diets. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was frequently on the school lunch menu.


AWOL stands for this

What is “absent without leave”?

 The maximum penalty is stiff: confinement for one month, reduction of status to the lowest enlisted grade, and a one-month reduction of pay to one-third of current pay


This best-selling toy from the 1950s began life as a wallpaper cleaner until a teacher decided to have her students use it as clay for sculpting.

What is Play-Doh? 

The original colors were red, yellow, and blue. The colors have been expanded, and it’s still non-toxic.


On March 10, Canada and the United States switch to this time.

What is daylight saving time?

 We turn our clocks ahead one hour. An effortless way to remember which way to turn the clocks is “spring forward, fall back.”


Red + Yellow =



Served with pasta, its main ingredient is basil.

What is pesto? 

other ingredients are garlic, Parmesan cheese, and pine nuts. You can substitute walnuts without compromising flavor.


The special forces of the U.S. Navy are called this.

What are the Navy SEALs? 

Navy SEAL training is so tough that only around 20 percent of recruits complete it successfully.


These paint kits are still popular with young and mature alike.

What are paint-by-number kits?

 A commercial artist conceived the idea when he was asked to find a way to sell more paint.


The poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth describes these flowers that bloom in March

What are daffodils? 

The first stanza reads: “I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”


Red+ Blue=



This red sauce is served with tortilla chips.

What is salsa? 

Basic ingredients include chopped tomatoes, onion, cilantro, and jalapeño. Add cumin and salt to taste.


This is the newest branch of the military

What is Space Force? It was established in 2019.

 It’s a separate branch, but it falls under the air force in the same way the marines fall under the navy


When you were growing up, boys played with this military figure.

What is G.I. Joe? 

The figure is ready for action with its movable joints.


In the United States, this Japanese national flower begins to bloom in March.

What is cherry blossom? 

The original 2,000 cherry blossom trees Japan gifted the United States were destroyed by pests and disease, but they gave a second gift of 3,000 trees, which you can see in Washington, D.C. Look but don’t pick the blossoms from those gifts, because it’s illegal to do so


Blue + Yellow =



This mayo-based sauce includes minced dill pickles, mustard, lemon juice, and spices and often accompanies fried fish.

What is tartar sauce? 

The name comes from the French tartare, but its roots might date to the Roman era.


People from around the world join this French military.

What is the French Foreign Legion? 

Recruits are given a new identity for the first one to three years of service. After that time, they can revert to their real identity. Criminals keep their new identity for their entire term of service.


These pictures come in hundreds of irregular pieces and occupy a good portion of the dining room table

What are (jigsaw) puzzles? 

These puzzles date to 1860 in England and the United States. They come with fewer pieces for young children, and they’re addictive once you start one.


This is the name for the full moon in March.

What is worm moon? 

Many believe the name comes from earthworms that begin to appear in March. Another explanation is beetle larvae begin to emerge.


Black + Orange =



This is the French name for natural gravy and pan drippings served with roast beef.

What is au jus? 

The juices are released during cooking.


This military force guards Vatican City.

What is the (Pontifical) Swiss Guard? 

They’re easily recognized by their colorful red, white, yellow, and blue uniforms.


This popular children’s game involves balls and metal pieces.

What is jacks? 

This used to be a popular sidewalk game.


On the first day of spring, the first glimpse of the sun since the polar night happens here.

What is the Arctic Circle?

 The polar night lasts approximately one month, when there is no sign of the sun.


White + Red = 

