True or False: There is proven evidence that George Washington chopped down a cherry tree.
Name the first miracle Jesus performed in his ministry.
Turned water into wine at the wedding.
Aaron Burr was Vice President from 1801-1805. Who was the President?
Thomas Jefferson
What city did the Cougar live in in the book "Cougar Crossing"?
Los Angeles
Name the four US presidents who were assassinated
Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy
Name one of the ways Satan tempted Jesus during his 40 days of fasting
Stones into bread, jump off temple roof for angels to save, worship Satan to get all of the kingdoms of the world.
What is the name of Donald Trump's Vice President?
J.D. Vance
What gift did the Warden's wife give Elliot in "The Gardener of Alcatraz"?
She gave him shoes
Name the two US Presidents who died on July 4th.
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
Finish this sentence -- "In a world where you can be anything, be ? "
Who was the first President to live in the White House?
John Adams
What animal did the Cougar P-22 eat in the LA Zoo?
A Koala.
Donald Trump is the second President to serve a non-consecutive term. Who was the first?
Grover Cleveland
What is an antecedent?
The noun or nouns to which the pronoun in a sentence refers to.
We know Donald Trump loves Tariffs. Which other US President was known for enacting Tariffs?
President McKinley
In what country did the war occur in the book "Nour's Secret Library"?
In the country of Syria.
This two-letter term is credited to President Martin Van Bueren
What is OK. It stood for "Old Kinderhook"
When dividing by a number SMALLER than One, does the answer get bigger or smaller than the dividend?
What did President McKinley say to the men who were beating up his assassin?
Go easy on him, boys.
What crime did Elliot commit in "The Gardener of Alcatraz"?
He made counterfeit money.