Women's History
Labor & Capacity Ladies 1
First Ladies
Labor & Capacity Ladies 2

In 1849, Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman to:

A. Win a gold medal in the Olympics 

B. Be ordained a minister 

C. Earn a medical degree in the U.S. 

D. Own a business

C. Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman to graduate from medical school (M.D.) and a pioneer in educating women in medicine. 


If Shelly could be an animal, what animal would she be?

A. Cat

B. Bear

C. Dolphin

D. Beaver

C. Dolphin


Which first lady was the only one to appear on paper currency?

A. Grace Coolidge

B. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

C. Martha Washington

D. Jill Biden

C. Martha Washington


If Amanda Dudek joined the circus, what would her circus act be?

A. Elephant Herder

B. Trapeze

C. Horse Acrobat

D. Lion Tamer

B. Trapeze


In 1932, Amelia Earhart was the first woman to: 

A. Fly in the Air Force 

B. Fly solo around the world 

C. Fly a plane 

D. Fly solo across the Atlantic

D. In May of 1932 Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic.


This Labor And Capacity team member is known for her ability to tackle just about any DIY project using YouTube:

A. Madiha

B. Kati

C. Shelly

D. Ellie

B. Kati


Which first lady is responsible for the capital’s cherry blossoms to which the mayor of Tokyo sent her 3,000 cherry tree saplings after visiting, which are the ancestors of the trees that bloom at the nation's capital each spring to this day?

A. Helen "Nellie" Taft

B. Elizabeth Ford

C. Barbara Bush

D. Frances Cleveland

A. Helen "Nellie" Taft


When Jess was younger, what did she want to be when she grew up (if she has at all)?


B. Chef

C. Veterinarian

D. Pilot

C. Veterinarian


Mary Kies was the first woman to be granted a U.S. Patent. What did she invent? 

A. Alphabet blocks 

B. Technique of weaving straw with silk and thread 

C. Submarine telescope and lamp 

D. Straw broom and pan

B. On May 5, 1809, Mary Kies was the first recipient of a patent granted to a woman by the USPTO for a technique of weaving straw with silk and thread.


What is Madiha's favorite hobby?

A. Water-skiing

B. Calligraphy

C. Knitting

D. Reading

B. Calligraphy


Which two first ladies are tied for being the tallest?

A. Melania Trump and Louise Adams

B. Michelle Obama and Nancy Reagan

C. Mary Lincoln and Jacqueline Kennedy

D. Eleanor Roosevelt and Michelle Obama

D. Eleanor Roosevelt and Michelle Obama


If Shraddha could be any animal, which one would she be?

A. Wolf

B. Elephant

C. Snake

D. Tiger

B. Elephant


What was the first state to allow women to vote? 

A. California 

B. Utah 

C. Colorado 

D. Wyoming

D. In July 1890, the Territory of Wyoming, which allowed women to vote, was admitted as a state. Wyoming became the first state with women's suffrage.


What is Ellie's favorite movie of all time?

A. 101 Dalmations

B. Gone with the Wind

C. Good Will Hunting

D. Star Wars

D. Star Wars


Which first lady had a color of pink designed for her and named “First Lady Pink,” which became the most iconic color of the 50s, covering everything from bathroom wallpaper to hairdryers to tea sets?

A. Elizabeth Truman

B. Marnie Eisenhower

C. Jacqueline Kennedy

D. Claudia Johnson

B. Marnie Eisenhower


Who would accept a cool $1 million to eat a live spider?

A. Madiha

B. Ellie

C. Anna

D. Kati

C. Anna


Sally Ride is most famous for being the first woman to do what? 

A. Race in NASCAR 

B. Win 5 gold medals 

C. Enter Space 

D. CEO of a Fortune 500 Company

C. On June 18, 1983, Sally Ride became the first American woman in space as a crew member on Space Shuttle Challenger for STS-7.


Which team member would bring their soda stream and a long book to a deserted island?

A. Amanda N.

B. Jess

C. Kati

D. Anna

A. Amanda N


Which first lady snuck out of a White House dinner to be the first first lady to fly in an airplane with Amelia Earhart?

A. Hillary Clinton

B. Ellen Wilson

C. Eleanor Roosevelt

D. Julia Grant

C. Eleanor Roosevelt


Who would be the team member to sing "Ice, Ice, Baby" at karaoke night?

A. Shelly

B. Anna

C. Ellie

D. Amanda N.

A. Shelly
