What does TRF stand for?
What is Tutorial Request Form?
Who is the principal of Morris Hills High School?
What is Todd Toriello?
Where did Mr. Fahrer go to college?
What is Ramapo?
What does AVID stand for?
What is Advancement Via Individual Determination
What is the name of the new vice principal at Hills?
What is Mr. Dixon?
What is Mrs. Penkalski's first name?
Who is the supervisor of AVID? (At Morris Hills)
What is Mrs. Barkocy?
What college has the same mascot as Morris Hills?
What is Rutgers?
What AP class does Mrs. Edelstein teach?
What is AP Lit?
Who is the junior class' AVID teacher?
What is Mr. Mein?
What was the last year that Hills beat Knolls at football?
What is 2018?
Which student tutor joined AVID sophomore year?
What is Nikki?
About how many schools in the US have AVID?
What is 8,000?
What year was Morris Hills founded?
What is 1953?
What sport did Joe play freshman year?
What is Football?