what's Stella's favorite book series?
what is Rex's favorite color?
what is Henry's favorite color?
Take 3 deep triangle breaths and get double the points if one team member will do it with you.
What is a coping skill?
Based on their color, how do you think everyone is feeling?
see emotion check-in
what are Stella's talents? (or what are things Stella is really good at?)
What is Rex's favorite thing to do after school?
what is one food Henry does not like at all?
Do 10 jumping jacks and get double the points if a team member will do it with you
Movement coping skill
What is the easiest feeling for you to feel?
What is the hardest feeling for you to feel?
what are Stella's favorite coping skills?
where is Rex's favorite place to go out to eat?
what kind of a dog would Henry like to own one day?
What is an example of a movement that is helpful for you? - 100 points. Teach it to your other teammates to get the last 200 points.
Name 3 Coping Skills - 100 points per skill
how does rainy weather make Stella feel?
what is Rex's perfect day?
what is a kind thing you've seen Henry do?
How does moving your body help you to manage/regulate your emotions?
1. Do therapists have to tell your parents everything you talk about?
2. When, if ever, do therapists have to tell your parents what you talked about?
3. Why is it important for therapy to have these rules about what can/cannot be shared with parents?
4. Bonus: what is this called?
what is confidentiality?
what is Stella's ideal day?
what is a helpful/kind thing you have seen Rex do?
what is your favorite thing about Henry?
Have one teammate act out an emotion and other teammates guess what emotion they are expressing. - 3 different emotions
If you hurt someone physically or emotionally what is a way to repair the relationship