The (original) colors of the mixed choir robes.
What are blue and white?
The year Pal was born.
What is 1976?
Shortest Section Leader
Who is Gabby Jospa?
The age of Pankti
What is 18
The third verse of Oh Come Emmanuel
What is Oh come thou key of David come...?
What is six?
The names of Pal's kids.
Who are Lyla and Nolan?
Number of section leaders that are also acapella managers.
What is 5?
The amount of times Audrey auditioned for Tones
How many is Four times
The treble traditional the associate managers made a speech about.
What is Ad Astra?
What the seniors wear for spring as a tradition.
What are boutonnieres?
The sport Pal played in high school.
The section leader who has lead a different section than they do now.
Who is Daniel Karp?
Name of Pankti and Audrey’s Street.
Azalea Court
The order in which each part comes in Ubi Caritas.
What tenor 1, tenor 2, alto 2, bass, alto 1, soprano 2, soprano 1.
The signal to split into parts for Oh Come Emmanuel.
What is four fingers?
Pal's astrological sign.
What is Leo?
The lowest note of the alto 2 section leader.
What is a b flat 2?
Amount of animals Rebekah has
How many is three
The composer of The Sounding Sea
Who is Eric William Barnum?
The foot which we step first with for Louez.
What is the left foot?
What is to play piano?
Number of section leaders on exec board.
What is 2?
Name of the Choir managers gc.
a. shawn sucks
b. choir managers
c. choir tyrants
d. choir angels
The second line of the valentines round.
A friendly valentine be mine.