March Holidays
March History
March Phrases and Terms
March Trivia
March Birth Month
On March 17th, many people may be pinched for not wearing a specific color.

What is St. Patrick's Day?


On March 30th, 1981, this former president was shot in the chest but survived after a lengthy surgery.

A.) Franklin D. Roosevelt

B.) John F. Kennedy

C.) Ronald Reagan

Who is C.) Ronald Reagan?


This term refers to a group of musicians that typically perform on an open field to create unique formations and patterns. This band also performs in parades. 

What is a marching band?


March is the first month of which season?

What is Spring?


How many days are in the month of March?

What is 31 Days?


On March 9th, this event will take place that arbitrarily alters the way we measure time for spring and summer. We then "fall back" an hour in November. 

What is Daylight Savings Time or Spring Forward?


On March 5th, 1770, a group of Americans and British soldiers sparked the first fight of the American Revolution that resulted in 5 dead and 6 injured in this city.

A.) Siege of Boston

B.) Boston Massacre

C.) Battle of Bunker Hill

What is the B.) Boston Massacre


This idiom means to do things without care for what others think. "To march to the beat...?"

What is "March to the beat of your own drum."


If March is the beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, then what season begins in March in the Southern Hemisphere?

What is Fall?


What are the zodiac signs in March?

A.) Aquarius and Pisces

B.) Pisces and Aries

C.) Aries and Taurus 

What is B.) Pisces and Aries?


On March 20th, this astronomical event occurs where the daytime lasts the exact same time as nighttime. This event is the "first day of spring."

What is the Spring Equinox or Vernal Equinox?


On March 11th, 1918, this deadly virus first reached the US and would eventually result in 500,000 deaths.

A.) Spanish Flu

B.) Chicken Pox

C.) Black Death

What is the A.) Spanish Flu?


A progression or unfolding of events which occurs in an unhurried, steady, deliberate manner. Can also be known as a march with a relatively SLOW tempo. 

What is a "slow march"?


Which Roman god of war is March named after?

A.) Mantus

B.) Mars

C.) Mania

What is B.) Mars?


What is the birth stone of March?

A.) Aquamarine

B.) Sapphire

C.) Amethyst

What is A.) Aquamarine


What is celebrated on March 8th every year to honor the women in your life?

International Women's Day


On March 7th, in 1876, this aptly named inventor officially patented the telephone.

A.) Benjamin Franklin

B.) Albert Einstein

C.) Alexander Graham Bell

Who is C.) Alexander Graham Bell?


This idiom refers to the month of March's wintry beginnings and springful endings.

"March comes in..... and goes out...."

What is "March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb."


True or False: March always begins on the same day of the week as November, and additionally, February in common years. March always ends on the same day of the week as June.

What is True?


What is March's birth flower?

A.) Tulip

B.) Hyacinth

C.) Daffodil

What is C.) Daffodil?