Name a symbol
Baitaille des fleurs, les beouf Gras, Les fleurs des lis, La blanchisseuse, and Tout ce qu'il y a
When in the ceromony does this event take place?
At the end.
Whats the origin?
we don't even know so free points i guess????
What does baitaille des fleurs translate too?
The battle of the flowers.
What do they throw onto the streets?
They throw flowers.
Whats the symbol?
A traditinal french coat of arms.
What does Boeuf des gras mean?
Fatted calf.
What do they get in and throw flowers onto the street?
A car
What is used for?
ROALTY!!!!!!! (i got roalty inside ma dna)
What does fleurs des lis translate to?
Lilly flower
Why is it named the battle of the flowers?
idk get free points!
edititor didnt know what to put here. Whats ur answer?
I'll let dev say it
What does le blanchisseuse mean?
If you get this wrong idek tbh
The washer woman. IT SAID IT ON THE SLIDEEE
Is this symbol important?
yea prob
Where is it typically used?
Usually at french fasion shows.