Margaret's Middle Name
What is Raymer?
The audio book series that Margaret has listened to more than 10 times.
What is Harry Potter?
The name of Margaret's gymnastics team?
Who are the Arlington Aerials?
Margaret's record for sleeping as a baby.
What is 14 hours?
Class Margaret is looking forward to next year.
What is AP Chemistry?
Margaret's stuffed animal that might (or might not) still be part of her sleeping routine?
Who is Froggy?
What is Texas Hold-em?
The length of time Margaret has been doing competitive gymnastics.
The name of Margaret's long-time nanny.
Who is Ama?
Make and model of the car Margaret will drive most often.
What is the Honda Pilot?
The color that Margaret will never wear?
What is pink?
Favorite TV show of the moment
What is Grey's Anatomy?
The color of Margaret's leotard on Thursdays.
What is purple?
Mommy's favorite little kid video of Margaret.
"I'm fuh-weezing, I'm fuh-weezing...."
Margaret's high school graduation month/year.
When is June 2023.
What is Ben & Jerry's Americone ice cream?
Margaret has finished about 14 of these art and crafts projects during virtual school lessons.
What are gem drawings?
Margaret's newest skill
What is a double back tuck?
What Margaret can be seen performing in the background of every baby video of Sam and Ryan.
What is endless cartwheel series?
Area of the country Margaret thinks she wants to go to college.
What is the Northeast?
"Oh. Wait a minute...."
What is Margaret realizing something that is super obvious but that she has been missing (sometimes for years)?
Favorite cookie recipe from The Keeper of the Lost Cities book series.
What are Mallowmelts?
Margaret's "lucky" ??? that must be worn at certain practices and during competition.
What is the Navy Blue Hairband
First playground equipment that Margaret got bloody playing on?
What are the monkey bars?
Margaret's Amazing Qualities
What is Smart, Funny, Driven & Loyal? (clearly there is no wrong answer here folks)