The word for Maths and English
Matematika, Bahasa Inggris
The words for apple, tomato and carrot.
Apel, tomat, wortel.
The colours of the Indonesian flag in Indonesian. Which colour is on top?
merah dan putih - merah di atas putih.
The word for dog, cat and horse.
Anjing, Kucing, Kuda.
What is the national language of Indonesia IN INDONESIAN.
Bahasa Indonesia
What are the meanings of "di" and "pada" and when do we use both of them.
Pada - in/at/on "time"
Di - in/on/at "location".
I don't like to eat fried rice.
Saya tidak suka makan nasi goreng.
The word for 12 AND 79
Dua belas DAN tujuh puluh sembilan
How do I say - "tall giraffe"
Jerapah tinggi!
Name three Indonesian islands.
Provide three traditional modes of transport IN INDONESIAN.
Bemo, Bajaj, Sepeda, Dokar, Andong, Becak, Gerobak sapi etc.
The question word for "describe"?
What is the currency of Indonesia AND the rough exchange rate.
$1 = 10.000rp.
Monyet makan apa?
Monyet makan pisang!
The most popular religion in Indonesia.
Answer the following question in a full Indonesian sentence - "Siapa nama guru Bahasa Indonesia Anda?"
Nama guru Bahasa Indonesia saya Pak Trent.
How do you ask - "How much is it?" or "What's the price?"
Berapa harganya?
The word for "gold"
Answer in a full sentence - Harimau berwarna apa?
Harimau berwarna jingga dan hitman.
What is the capital city of Indonesia and which on which island island is it located?
Kota Jakarta - Java (Jawa).
How do I say - "the book shop is to the left of my school"
Toko buku di sebelah kiri sekolah saya
I prefer to eat mango
Saya lebih suka makan mangga
The word for 40, 315.
Empat puluh ribu tiga ratus lima belas.
How do I say the elephant is bigger THAN a mouse.
Gajah lebih besar daripada tikus.
Roughly how many islands are there in Indonesia?
A) 160
B) 6700
C) 17,500
D) 30,500
E) 300,000
About 17,500!