What did MM do?
Educator & Doctor
How did MM see Children?
Children innately possess the interior power to absorb and assimilate many elements of a complex culture without direct instruction.
One of main Principles of Ed for Montessori was...
... that children’s learning was best accomplished in a structured and orderly environment
What's Casa dei Bambini?
A school at San Lorenzo district opened on January 6, 1907. Her first pupils were fifty children, from ages three to seven, whose families resided in the tenement
What other name can we give to MM's method?
Scientific Pedagogy
Where and when was Montessori born?
Maria Montessori was born on August 31, 1870, Italy
What are the sub-levels of the Absorbent Mind?
Montessori’s first stage, the period of the “absorbent mind,”:
1. from birth - 3:
2. from 3-6:
Role of teachers at Montessori Schools
Montessori renamed her teacher a “directress” who was to guide children as they taught themselves to learn. The directress, an educator properly trained in the Montessori method, was to guide children in their own self-development.4
What's OHS?
It was a program's services and resources designed to foster stable family relationships, enhance children's physical and emotional well-being, and establish an environment to develop strong cognitive skills in US
One of the greatest principles of MM ?
Montessori’s emphasis on clinical observation led her to one of her most important educational principles: the freedom of children to act to achieve their own growth and development
One difference between Montessori and Freud...
Montessori rejected Freud’s ideas on infant sexuality and the long-term significance of emotional conflict on later development
One difference from Dewey Vs Montessori's Philosophy...
Montessori emphasized on universals; dewey on relativism
Universalist approaches contend that it is possible to formulate a set of norms which apply to all cultures equally while Relativist approaches are based on the idea that each culture is unique
Name two principles of MM's method
Respect for the Child
Absorbent mind
Prepared environment
Sensitive periods
Role of teachers in conventional schools...
Teachers occupied the center of the educational stage as the focal point for the children’s attention
Was the child's freedom to act TOTAL freedom or...
For Montessori, the child’s liberty meant the freedom to act within a structured environment
What was Scuola Magistrale Ortofrenica?
Orthophrenic School, opened with Montessori and Dr. Giuseppe Montesano and managed by MM for 2 years. The school trained hearing-impaired and mentally deficient children, and provided an educational environment to them.
How many stages of developments in MM's ideals?
Explain each
1. from birth- 6(the stage of the “absorbent mind”) Absorbent Mind: constructed their concepts about reality, began to use language, and entered into the larger world of their group’s culture. D
2. from 6-12: the skills and powers that had surfaced and were being developed in the first period were further exercised, reinforced
3. from 12-18: the adolescent sought to understand social and economic roles and to find her or his place in society
What's Absorbent mind?
"the child absorbs knowledge directly into his psychic life. Simply by continuing to live, the child learns to speak his native tongue"
Give an example of a sensitive period...
Montessori sensitive period for walking is 12-15 months.
7 months to 3 years sensitive period of language you’ll need to speak to your child in clear language, read to them and allow them to speak their needs. No baby talk.
Examples of practical life skills...
activities designed to develop the child’s independence and self-reliance
Mention two facts from the early Absorbent Mind?
1. interacting with and responding to environmental stimuli.
2. children begin to construct their own personality and intelligence through their environmental explorations and the sensations they experience during these encounters.
3. children begin to acquire the language and culture into which they are born
What's a sensitive period?
A sensitive period refers to a special sensibility which a creature acquires in its infantile state, while it is still in a process of evolution. It is a transient disposition and limited to the acquisition of a particular trait. Once this trait or characteristic has been acquired, the special sensibility disappears....(Montessori, 1966).
Name one of MM's methodological contributions to Ed.
Montessori made education aware of the need to match the child’s readiness to the materials and activities
Examples of sensory skills
Sensory skills include those related to sound and the ability to distinguish between tones; those related to sight and the ability to recognize and distinguish color, hue, and shading; and those related to touch and the ability to feel texture, softness, hardness, cold, and warmth