Distressing Moments
Adventure Clubs
When a student needs help on their work
Field Trips!
How to calm kids down

A 5 year old girls family member died unexpectedly over the weekend. Marie oversees her crying nonstop. How can Marie comfort the poor thing?

Soft soothing voice/tone, FULL hug, back rub, pat on the head


The Hobomock Elementary School was going to Salem Willows in Salem MA during April vacation. Marie and I were chosen to go because there are NOT enough chaperones for the trip. What will Marie and I do once there during the April break PTO event?

Arcade, Hang by the beach, Peppy's Pizza for lunch, Hang with students from K-6th grade and their families/siblings


A 6 year old girl is raising her hand quiet because she cannot figure out 9 plus 9. How can I help her?

Calculate  9 + 9 and she answers it below


Grade K are going to the Southwick Zoo in Mendon Massachusetts, but the teacher cannot go cuz NOT everyone is in the same grade. She asks Marie and I to do it and I said "Were fine with anything" in a flexible tone. Name 3 animals in a zoo

Lions, Tigers, Monkeys


A 7 year old girl is having a meltdown because she wants to go home but home time isn't until 2:30pm. It is 1:30pm. Marie tried to tell her 1 more hour of school, but she is still screaming nonstop. What else can Marie say?

We go home at 2:30pm, You got this, everything's gonna be okay, your alright, its okay


Marie was helping a 6 year old boy with his schoolwork and I was helping a 7 year old girl with her schoolwork. The teacher was talking until the fire alarm went off unexpectedly. The 7 year old is crying and in distress. How can Marie support her of this?

Marie will say It's ok, Your okay, you got this, it'll be okay, it's gonna be okay in a soft soothing voice, rub the girls back, pat her head and once outside, Marie gives the child a FULL DISTRESSED HUG!


Marie and I got a text from the Hobomock PTO about Hobomock Red Sox Night tonight. The game isn't until 7:05pm. What time do Marie and I leave the house to drive over to Hobomock to get on the bus to Fenway Park at 5:45pm? (Bus leaves @ 5:45pm)

Right around 4:30pm (Hampstead Dinnertime) the earliest or the latest at 5:30pm (1/2 hour before 6pm)


A 7 year old autistic boy is trying to read the word "Cleaning". I ask my fox-daughter Marie to help him. What can Marie do to help the boy?

Help pronounce the word cleaning


On Friday, the 1st graders are going to the Norwell Science Center. Each child in grade 1 need a permission slip signed BY Monday. The teacher cannot go because not everyone's in 1st grade. Will Marie and I experience the Norwell Science Center?

For sure


A 6 year old boy punched the 5 year old girl down HARD and she is crying. The teacher asked sternly to take a break because of the 6 year old boy's behavior and poor choice. Marie ran really fast to check on the crying girl. How will Marie calm the 5 year old girl?

Marie will give the 5 year old girl a FULL hug due to her distress and pat her head/rub her back and say it's okay in a soft voice. Once she hears the little girl scream and the crying starts, Marie asks to the child "Are you okay?" while the girl is crying


One of the lead teachers got really sick and needed to be transported by ambulance to the hospital. A 5 year old little boy is crying and screaming terrified in distress. He latches on Marie's leg and cries bloody murder. How can Marie support the boy?

A VERY FULL distressed hug


It's Hobomock Elementary's Day at the Duck Boats in Boston during the school day from 10am-2:30pm. The 80 minute tour is at 11:30am. Once at the water, will Marie be able to drive the duck boat if possible?

Answers WILL vary


A 7 year old girl is struggling with her science work.  But, Marie is unavailable because she has to take a 5 year old girl to the student female bathroom. How can I help the 7 year old girl? How can the 2nd grade girl be flexible and thick-skinned?

I help her thru it and she is flexible but she can't get mad when a 5 year old girl needs to go pee and Marie has to take the kindergartner


Grade 2 is going to the New England Aquarium on Thursday. The permission slips were due the Friday before the aquarium trip for 2nd grade. On Wednesday, the teacher asks Marie and I to chaperone. Name some aquarium animals

Penguins, BIg turtles, 1,000's of fishes, jellyfish and California Sea Lions


A 5 year old boy is shrieking with excitement because he is going to his cousins 10th birthday party on Saturday. But the shrieking is hurting Marie's fox ears. How is Marie going to calm the boy down?

Words like this "I know your excited and happy" "Please try to calm down" "Please use a quiet voice because the kids are trying to work" "I'm so happy for you"


A 6 year old girl is crying because her 2 year old brother passed away due to a childhood illness. She really wants Marie, but I had to put her away in my purse for now to not distract the other kids. How can I support her?

Talk to her softly and soothing, say you got this, DO NOT agitate or yell, try not to act stern, say its okay, tell her I know your upset, full hug, pat on the head


The Hobomock PTO planned Disney on Ice during February vacation at TD Garden. Marie and I had to go cuz 2 other families cannot go due to unavailability. Name some Disney characters.

Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Elsa, Ana, Olaf, Mirabel, Bruno, Snow White, 7 dwarfs, Pinnochio


A 5 year old boy needs help with 16 + 6. I am unavailable because I am helping a 6 year old boy out with his 1st grade work. Can the 5 year old boy be flexible and Marie cna help him?

Of course! Even little kids NEED to be flexible and thick skinned!


There is another kindergarten field trip to the Boston Science Museum. Marie and I had no choice to chaperone due to lack of chaperones. Name some science museum exhibits

Theater of electricity, dinosaurs, fossil fuels, space rockets and planets


A 6 year old girl fell and scraped her knee on the playground, but Marie had to use the bathroom and I brought her back in the school 5 minutes before the incident. When Marie and I came back outside from the staff female toilet, the poor thing was crying with a scrape and some blood. Where will Marie and I bring the 6 year old girl?

The nurses office to make it feel better


A smoke-liked smell was coming from the other side of Hobomock close to the 4th grade hallways. The gas leak occurred and the fire alarms went off. A 7 in a half year old boy is panicking and terrified of LOUD fire alarms because of his autism. What can Marie and I do to support the child?

Hand squeezes, Marie's FULL hug, Squish Ball, Headphones, Marie says "You got this", I said "It's gonna be okay", deep breaths


It's a hot day and the Hobomock PTO decided to do another adventure club at Duxbury Beach. The PTO asked Marie and I to go as extra chaperones and we said yes! What can Marie & I pack the night before?

Umbrella, bathing suit, lunch, extra snacks, towel, sunblock, sunglasses


A 5 year old girl needs help on her ELA and she cannot say piglet. But BOTH Marie and I are unavailable b/c we need to help the other kids. Can the teacher help her instead?

Yes! Because BOTH Marie and I are NOT available at th moment


Another grade 1 field trip was planned at Citizens Bank Opera House to see Blueys Big Play. Permission Slips were due two weeks before the field trip. Marie and I were assigned to go the Saturday before the 1st grade field trip. There is a lack of chaperones. Why do you think?

Family Emergency, Call-out sick, got ill, Personal, Family vacation


A 7 in a half year old autistic boy has had a stomach ache since yesterday morning. He is crying every 20 minutes. How can I help him thru this?

Take him to the nurse, have him take some TUMS, support him
