How many times stronger is weed these days than the 70s?
When used with ______, the risk of an accident is even higher.
Cannabis withdrawal, according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illnesses (a professional reference book on mental health and brain-related conditions), is defined as the cessation of heavy and prolonged cannabis use. It typically includes behavioral, emotional, and ________ symptoms.
What causes the chemical high from marijuana?
What is the main reason people enroll in medical marijuana programs?
How much cannabis use is safe for driving?
Increases risk of accidents- more mentally an issue than physical
What's the name of a synthetic form of marijuana that you can overdose on?
K2 (spice)
How long does it take for marijuana withdrawal symptoms to resolve?
3 weeks.
The brain continues to develop until this age.
What is the lowest risk way to consume marijuana?
How long are you supposed to wait after smoking to drive (minimum)?
At least 6 hours.
Acute impairments set in shortly after use and persist for up to about 6 hours, but they vary depending on the individual’s characteristics and constitution, as well as on the potency and type of cannabis used.
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) can affect people who use cannabis (marijuana) long-term. CHS causes frequent, severe nausea and ______.
A meta-analysis of studies, which involved more than 23,000 individuals, found that ____ of the participants who used marijuana regularly experienced cannabis withdrawal syndrome.
The harmful and cancerous chemicals released from cannabis smoke can damage this organ over time.
What age of first use (or younger) increases your risk of cannabis related problems?
-studies link earlier marijuana use to depression, anxiety, suicide planning and psychotic episodes
What is the only cure to CHS?
Stop using cannabis.
When a person needs to use more cannabis because they feel it less.
This neurochemical produced in the brain can be “tricked” by cannabis into thinking that cannabis is needed for survival (a.k.a. the pleasure chemical).
Recent research estimated that approximately __ in 10 people who use cannabis have cannabis use disorder?
Smoking cannabis this way exposes the user to many of the same harmful chemicals found in tobacco/cigarette smoke (4 answers).
bongs, pipes, blunts, and joints
Which of the following is not a marijuana withdrawal symptom?
Trick question--all of them are.
On average, this is the percentage of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) found in dabs.