The name for the movement of water caused by the Moon's grvaity
what are tides?
The sea creature that has three hearts and blue blood
What is an octopus?
The largest marine biome in the world
What is a Pelagic Zone?
or What is an Open Ocean?
The type of pollution that is most responsible for harming marine life, especially sea turtles
What is plastic pollution?
The loudest sound ever recorded from a marine creature, 230 dB, is from a...
What is a sperm whale?
the second-largest ocean on Earth
What is the Atlantic Ocean?
The biological term for marine animals that emit light
What is Bioluminescence?
the primary producer in open ocean ecosystems
What are phytoplankton?
Term that describes the loss of coral color due to stress, often caused by rising sea temperatures
What is coral bleaching?
This type of marine organism is responsible for producing much of the oxygen we breathe
What are cyanobacteria?
The term for the process by which seawater moves in a circular pattern due to Earth's rotation
What is the Coriolis Effect?
This marine mammal has the thickest fur of any animal
What is a sea otter?
The name of the area in the ocean where fresh and saltwater mix, creating a unique environment for marine life
What is brackish water? or
What is an estuary?
the process where excess nutrients in the ocean cause harmful algal blooms
What is Eutrophication?
The saltiest ocean in the world
What is the Atlantic Ocean?
This current, known for warming Europe, flows from the Gulf of Mexico across the Atlantic
What is the Gulf Stream?
This type of marine creature has been alive for over 500 million years and is considered a living fossil
What is a Horseshoe Crab?
the term for the symbiotic algae that live inside coral and give them their color
What are Zooxanthellae?
This greenhouse gas is primarily responsible for ocean acidification
What is CO2/Carbon Dioxide?
This sea creature can live out of water for up to seven years by breathing through its skin
What is a Lungfish?
The name of the process where deep, cold, nutrient-rich water rises to the surface
What is upwelling?
the scientific name for the group of marine animals that includes sea anemones, corals, and jellyfish
What are Cnidarians?
the term for an ocean area where no sunlight reaches, and organisms rely on chemosynthesis
What are aphotic zones? or
What are deep-sea hydrothermal vent ecosystems?
The name of the international agreement that bans commercial whaling
What is the International Whaling Commission (IWC)?
A bizarre deep-sea fish that has a transparent head