This layer of the ocean contains 90% of sealife.
Waves are created by this moving over the surface of the water.
what is wind?
These types of animals eat other animals.
What are predators/Carnivores?
An individual Coral animal.
What is a Polyp?
This is the name for an animal with a backbone and internal skeleton.
What is a vertebrate?
Ocean Pressure is caused by this.
What is water.
The highest water level during the day is called this.
What are herbivores/consumers?
A group of coral polys is called this.
What is a Coral Colony?
These marine animals breathe through gills and have scales.
What are fish?
The pressure in this zone would feel like 100 elephants sitting on your head.
What is the Trenches?
The distance between two waves crests is called this.
What is a wavelength?
Plants that make their own food from the sun, soil, and water.
What are Producers?
This type of coral that is made of calcium carbonate and can eventually grow to form coral reefs.
What is Hard Coral?
This tough flexible tissue makes up the skeleton of certain types of fish such as sharks and rays.
What is cartilage?
At the bottom of the ocean, animals must adapt to survive under this extreme condition.
What is (high) pressure?
This type of current pulls swimmers away from the shore and can be dangerous.
What is a rip tide?
An area where all living and non-living things interact.
What is an ecosystem?
This is the types of conditions coral reefs need in order to survive.
What is warm, shallow, clear water?
This group of marine invertebrates includes clams, oyseters, squid and octopuses.
What are mollusks?
This ocean layer contains dim light, but not enough for photosynthesis to take place.
What is the Twilight Zone
Tides are strongest when this celestial body is closest to the Eath.
What is the moon?
This is the most important consumer on Earth.
What is Algae?
This gives coral it's color, and lives in a symbiotic relationship with coral.
Wht is Zooxanthellae?
These large muscles are used by clams to close their shells.
What are adductor muscles?