The most aggressive out of all the Sharks. It has the ability to enter both fresh and salt water.
Bull Shark
Also known as killer whales
These creatures build dams to live in and protect themselves.
This fish uses its lure to catch its prey
Angler Fish
The largest shark to ever exist. This species had the largest teeth out of any shark.
One of the only species of shark that is able to remain perfectly still and have the highest suction force out of any vertebrate.
Nurse Shark
The largest animal on earth. They can grow up to 90 feet in length and weigh as much as 50 tons.
Blue whale
Famous for its deathroll move. This fearsome creature lived longer than the dinosaurs.
Lives off the coast of Japan, these crabs are known to grow up to 12 feet in length.
Japanese Spider Crab
Resembles a horse shoe. This invertebrate has been around for 445 million years.
Horseshoe crab
Fastest out of all the sharks. These speed demons are capable of reaching speeds of 45 mph.
Mako Shark
The only predator that preys on the giant squids.
Sperm Whale
Native to South America. These giant rodents are known for their extremely chill nature.
Found near hydrothermal vents. This marine worm uses chemosynthesis to produce its food.
Tube worm
This marine reptile dominated the ocean waters and can grow up to 50 feet in length. Also, was featured in Jurassic World
Known for their extremely long lifespans. These sharks live in the cold waters of the Atlantic and Arctic
Greenland Shark
Native to the Amazon River. These dolphins are the largest of any fresh water dolphins.
Boto (Pink River dolphins)
Despite being unable to swim, this mammal is known to "swim" at outstanding speeds and kills 500 people a year
Consider a delicacy in South Korea, this animal when threaten release a nasty slime when bitten by a predator fish.
Lived over 518 million years ago. It was the first fish and also the first vertebrate to ever exist.
A parasitic shark known to leave a cookie shape hole in their prey
Cookiecutter Shark
This now extinct dolphin made its home in the Yangtze river.
Baiji (Yangtze River Dolphin)
The premiere apex predator of the Amazon. Its name means he who kills in one leap.
Nickname the doomsday fish. This creature swims by "rowing" itself and can grow up to 30 feet long.
Lived 538 million years ago, it was the top predator of the Cambrian. This animal wielded two long mandibles to grip its prey.