What ability is sent to 1st, and hits every kart in it's path?
A Blue Shell!
The baby version of the main character
Baby Mario!
The main character?
The coolest course, and is a road in space.
Rainbow road!
What game is this quiz about?
Mario kart! 8
This little ability give you a speed boost!
A Mushroom!
Teh baby version of the main characters brother?
Baby Luigi!
The main character's brother?
The land made of cheese?
Cheese land!
What is the Teen titans pet?
This ability turns you into a big bullets, and speeds you through the course. What is it?
Bullet Bill!
The baby version of mario's girlfriend?
Baby Peach!
The main character's worst enemy?
A course in a volcano?
Crumble volcano!
Is a banana cool?
This ability Makes other cars slip up.
A banana!
The baby version of mario's enemy?
Baby Bowser!
Mario's evil twin?
The courses about DK!(Donkey kong?
DK Jungle!
What is my baseball teams name?
The Dodgers!
This ability can be thrown, and comes right back.
A boomerang!
The baby version of fat cat?
Baby fat cat!
The best character of all time?
Sunshine airport!
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