What does his dad first say when he asks how the commercial was?
"I think you're nuts"
Where does he go when he gets separated from Mario?
The Dark Lands. 💀
How many tries does it take for Princess Peach to beat the training course thing?
What is his song's name?
What does Donkey Kong say when Mario turns into a cat?
"He got the cat box!"
What suit is Mario in when he saves Luigi from falling in the lava?
The tanooki suit. (However the hell you spell that shit)
Who bullies Luigi as a baby?
What does she say when Mario says that she could be from his world?
"There's a huge universe out there"
What does he first say in front of the Ice Castle?
"Open the gates! Or die."
What does Donkey Kong say when Mario says his dad thinks he's a joke too.
"Well, your dad's right!"
What does Mario say he'll do when he brings Peach to Brooklyn?
Buy her a pet turtle.
What word does Luigi say when Bowser said he is going to marry Princess Peach and rule the world?
What is Princess Peach's earliest memory?
Arriving to Mushroom Kingdom.
What does Bowser say after Peach punches Kamek?
Why does Donkey Kong do that weird face in the end battle?
He gets punched by Bowser.
What does Mario say to DK when he beats him?
"Alright you giant monkey"
What food does Mario give Luigi in the beginning of the movie?
What does Princess Peach say when Bowser asks for one more chance?
"Ew, no"
What does Bowser do to the koopa that says, "What if she says no?"
Burns his skin off.
What does Donkey Kong do when Mario turns tiny?
What famous line does Mario say in the trailer?
"Mushroom Kingdom, here we come"
What name does Luigi say when Mario said destiny called them?
Destiny Delvachio (Or whatever name he said. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER)
What does Princess Peach say after she punches Kamek?
"You really though I'd marry you?"
What does Bowser say to Luigi before he rips off some of his mustache?
"Do princesses find him attractive?"
What does Donkey Kong say before he gets knocked out?
"Not even close"