True or False: Mari graduates high school in 2028
FALSE (2027)
What is Mari's favorite cat breed
What is Mari's zodiac sign
What 2 AP classes is Mari taking this year
WHAP and AP phsychology
What is Mari's least favorite vegetable
True or false: Mari is a morning person
What is Mari's favorite ice cream flavor
Moose tracks
What 3 things is Mari allergic to
Cats, cherries, and pollen
How many piercings does Mari have in totoal
What does Mari like to do in her free time
crochet, TikTok, make food, watch netflix
True or false: Mari's favorite dessert is cookies
False (cheesecake or tiramisu)
What is Mari's favorite cuisine?
What is one of Mari's biggest fears
spiders or bugs
How long did Mari do taekwondo for?
8 years
What is Mari's biggest pet peeve
Messy eaters
True or false: Mari's average screen time is 5 hours
What is Mari's favorite subject
What is mari's comfort TV show
Jane the v or shameless
What is one place Mari wants to visit
How many friends does Mari currently have
True or false: Mari has 362 followers on instagram
What is Mari's favorite homemade dish
Aloo matar chavil with chutnee and boneless chicken
What is Mari's sweet frog order
chocolate ice cream, cookie dough bites, broniw bites, HOT FUDGE EXTRA
What is Mari's usual breakfast
skip breakfast
Who was Mari's 6th grade gym teacher?
Mr peterson🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮