What was Marisa's first car?
A White Jeep Cherokee Laredo
Which of Marisa's Exes did she fall in love with at the Jersey shore?
Ray (now he's a fiance)
What injury did Marisa get when she jumped off our diving board?
Bit through her lips and her dad glued the wound shut
Where did Marisa have her first blackout? (Bonus points if you tell the story)
Jen's house on her way to a sweet 16
Who's Ray's first Boo?
Ali Detrano
Who did Marisa win Prom King and Queen with?
Nikita Page
Andrew Goodman
Where did Marisa study abroad?
Who was infamously lost on prom weekend at Marisa's after party down the shore Jr Year?
Where did Ray go to college and what sport did he play? (Bonus if you name both)
URI & Montclair State (played football)
Who was Marisa's long-lost Texas Bestie?
Sarah Thwaites
Who is the only guy Marisa dated that was taller and skinnier than she was?
Jesse McAlister
What's Marisa's Dunkin Donuts order?
Where did Marisa win a twerking competition in front of a sea of people?
How many tattoos does ray have?
Who was Marisa's Junior Year prom date?
Who was Marisa's hillbilly first lover (toothless) that she met on a cruise ship and where is he now?
Jimmy Crutchfield whos been married with 5 kids and lives in Kentucky
What was Marisa's first job?
Walking dogs (was fired for kicking him)
What is Marisa's go-to dance move at the bar?
The Helicopter
Where was Rays and Marisa's real first date?
The Salty Whale
Who stole Marisa's Juicy Sweatpants in HS?
Courtney Stevens
Which of Marisa's ex-bfs is having a shotgun wedding?
Who was Marisa's middle school crush?
Kevin Oneil
After Marisa's first banger at our house, what item was found that gave it away to her parent's that she had a party?
A leafblower
What Frat was Ray in in College?