This A-list celebrity started dating Good Charlotte rocker, Benji Madden in 2014.
Cameron Diaz
In 1892, this wealthy Massachusetts woman was accused of brutally murdering her father and stepmother with an axe, but she was later acquitted.
Lizzie Borden
A woman kisses a dead guy in the woods while seven men watch.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
This fast-food chain saw a massive sales increase during the 2020 lockdowns, proving that people really do "love it."
Kim Kardashian tweeted "Wait it's legit National Snake Day?! They have holidays for everybody, I mean everything these days!" Who is this about?
Taylor Swift
Rumors began circulating beginning in February 2023 with Tyga and who?
Avril Lavigne
This famous fashion designer was murdered outside his Miami mansion in 1997 by serial killer Andrew Cunanan.
Gianni Versace
A rat ruins a kitchen’s health inspection but somehow makes the restaurant famous.
In 1918, this pandemic was mistakenly named after a European country, even though it didn’t start there.
Spanish Flu
Drake Bell tweeted this about who? "When you're not invited to the wedding the message is clear.."
Josh Peck
With a 16-year age gap, this couple met on the movie set Murder by Numbers and dated for 2 years. Ryan Gosling and ?
Sandra Bullock
This 1947 Hollywood murder case, involving the gruesome slaying of Elizabeth Short, remains unsolved and inspired multiple films and books.
Black Dahlia murder
A dad takes his family on vacation, and the hotel staff tries to axe them from the guest list—literally.
The Shining
In the 14th century, this plague led to an unexpected labor shortage, ultimately helping end the feudal system in Europe.
The Black Death (Plague)
Lana Del Ray tweeted " u know the addy. Pull up anytime. Say it to my face. But if I were you- I wouldn't" to who?
Azelia Banks
This 2-quarter rapper started dating this late-night talk show host in 2011?
Chelsea Handler
In 1916, this Russian mystic and advisor to the Romanovs was poisoned, shot, and drowned in one of history’s most dramatic assassinations.
A group of adults gaslights an entire village into thinking monsters exist so nobody leaves… all because they hate modern society. Meanwhile, a blind girl speed-runs survival horror mode to get medicine.
The Village
This disease, believed to be eradicated, made a dramatic return in New York City in 2022 due to low vaccination rates.
Who tweeted "If Rihanna doesn't perform Complicated tomorrow I'm gunna be very upset #FavSong!" to which Rihanna replied "Well don't come."
Kendall Jenner
This unlikely pair first hit it off at the 2002 Grammy's. However, both acted coy when asked if they were dating. Janet Jackson and who?
Matthew McConaughey
In 1849, this American writer was found delirious and dying in Baltimore under mysterious circumstances, leading to theories of murder or political foul play.
Edgar Allan Poe
A guy spends his whole life wanting to be a gangster, then gets upset when crime turns out to be... well, crime. His friends either get whacked or arrested, and he ends up in the worst fate imaginable—living a normal life.
This 18th-century pandemic led to one of the world’s first successful vaccines when Edward Jenner used cowpox to protect against it.
Adam Levine tweeted "Ugh...recycling old art for a younger generation doesn't make you can artist. It makes you an art teacher." In which this celebrity replied "uh oh guys the art police is here"
Lady Gaga