Future Plans & Intentions & Predictions
Comparatives & Superlatives
Modal Verbs:(Must/Mustn't/
Can/ Can't)
Reflexive Pronouns

I am _____ play padel after school.

I am going to play padel after school.


_________ are used to compare two things. They show how one thing is different from another.

_________ are used to compare more than two things. They show which thing is the most or least of a certain quality.

Comparatives are used to compare two things. They show how one thing is different from another.

Superlatives are used to compare more than two things. They show which thing is the most or least of a certain quality.


You ____ wear a helmet when riding a bike.

You must wear a helmet when riding a bike.


I made this cake _____.

I made this cake myself.


Compare and Decide:

Which vacation destination is the most relaxing, the beach or the mountains?

"In my opinion, the beach is more relaxing than the mountains because..."


They __________ watch a movie tonight, but she _______ to her Grandparents.

They are going to watch a movie tonight, but she is going to her Grandparents.


Marita is _______ (short) her dad, but she is _____(tall) her brother.

Marita is shorter than her dad, but she is taller than her brother.


You ___ bring a snack to school.

You can bring a snack to school.


She taught ____ to play the piano. 

She learned by ____.

She taught herself to play the piano. 

She learned by herself.


Agree or Disagree:

"Homework is necessary for learning."

"I agree because..." OR  "I disagree because..."


Look at those dark clouds. It _________ rain soon.

She is studying a lot. She _____ pass the exam.

Explain Why!!!! 

Look at those dark clouds. It is going to rain soon.

Why: We see dark clouds, so we predict rain.

She is studying a lot. She is going to pass the exam.

Why: We know she studies a lot, so we predict she will pass.


I think Spain is ___________ (beautiful) Texas. The weather is _______ (good) in San Antonio, but Spain is the ______ (bad) for spicy food.

I think Spain is more beautiful than Texas. The weather is better than in San Antonio, but Spain is the worst for spicy food.


Students _____ run in the hallways. 

Explain why you used must, mustn't, can, or can't. 

Students mustn't run in the hallways. 

Why: Running in the hallways is not allowed.

Mustn't (must not): Shows that something is not allowed or is forbidden.


They enjoyed ____ at the party. 

Rewrite the sentence differently (ex: what does the sentence mean.) 

They enjoyed themselves at the party. 

(They had a good time./ They had fun at the party)



Compare living in Alcasser vs. Perello.

Alcasser is noisier than Perello

Perello is more fun than Alcasser

There is more to do in Perello than Alcasser....


1. I think _____ rain tomorrow. 

2. She ____ a great teacher one day. 

3. They ____ the game. 

Explain Why! 

1. I think it will rain tomorrow. 

(A guess about the weather.)

2. She will be a great teacher one day. 

(A guess about her future job.)

3. They will win the game. 

(A guess about the game result.)


Using: "Too," "Enough," "Much," "A Lot," "A Bit," and "Not Quite As"

She is ______happier today than yesterday because she has ______ money to buy her new shoes. The shoes she has now are ______ old, but the shoes she wanted were ______ expensive for her until today.

She is a lot happier today than yesterday because she has enough money to buy her new shoes. The shoes she has now are a bit old, but the shoes she wanted were too expensive for her until today.


You ___ do your homework. You ___ play outside after finishing your homework, but you ____ go out without permission.

Explain Why you chose must, mustn't, can, or can't.

You must do your homework. You can play outside after finishing your homework, but you can't go out without permission.

Why: It's necessary to do your homework. You are allowed to play outside after doing your homework, but you are not allowed to go outside without permission. 


I made dinner ___ last Friday, but Ro cleaned all the dishes ___, and after we watched a movie with dessert. It was a relaxing evening and we enjoyed _____. 

I made dinner myself last Friday, but Ro cleaned all the dishes himself, and after we watched a movie with dessert. It was a relaxing evening and we enjoyed ourselves.


Give your opinion on the following topics:

1. Students should have a longer school day.

2. Online learning is better than traditional classroom learning.

3. Everyone should learn to play a musical instrument.

  • Agreeing:
    • "I support this because..."
    • "One reason I agree is because..."
    • "I think this is a good idea because..."
  • Disagreeing:
    • "I oppose this because..."
    • "One reason I disagree is because..."
    • "I don't think this is a good idea because..."
  1. We use ______ for predictions when we have evidence or see signs that something will happen.

    We use _____  for predictions when we make a guess about the future, often without strong evidence.

  2. What are you going to do this weekend?

  3. What do you think will happen next year?

  4. What is he going to do after school today?

  5. Do you think it will snow next week?

1. We use "going to" for predictions when we have evidence or see signs that something will happen.

We use "will" for predictions when we make a guess about the future, often without strong evidence.

2. I am going to visit my grandparents.

3. I think I will learn to play the guitar.

4. He is going to do his homework.

5. Yes, I think it will snow next week.


Using: "Too," "Enough," "Much," "A Lot," "A Bit," and "Not Quite As"

1. ____ is Used with comparatives to show a big difference.

- This book is ____ more interesting than that one.

2. ____ is Used with comparatives to show a small difference.

- This book is ____ more interesting than that one.

3. "____" means more than what is needed or wanted.

- This bag is ____ heavy.

4. "____" means as much as needed or wanted.

- This bag is light ____ for me to carry.

5. _____ is Similar to "much," also used to show a big difference.

- She is _____ taller than her brother.

6. "_____" is used to compare two things in a way that shows one thing is a little less than the other.

-This book is _____ interesting as that one.

1. Much is Used with comparatives to show a big difference.

- This book is much more interesting than that one.

2. A Bit is used with comparatives to show a small difference.

- This book is a bit more interesting than that one.

3. "Too" means more than what is needed or wanted.

- This bag is too heavy.

4. "Enough" means as much as needed or wanted.

- This bag is light enough for me to carry.

5. A Lot is Similar to "much," also used to show a big difference.

- She is a lot taller than her brother.

6. "Not quite as" is used to compare two things in a way that shows one thing is a little less than the other.

-This book is not quite as interesting as that one.


Explain the difference between: must, mustn't, can, and can't. Write four examples.

  • Must: Shows that something is necessary or very important.
    • Example: You must do your homework.
  • Mustn't (must not): Shows that something is not allowed or is forbidden.
    • Example: You mustn't talk during the exam.
  • Can: Shows that something is possible or allowed.
    • Example: You can play outside after finishing your homework.
  • Can't (cannot): Shows that something is not possible or not allowed.
    • Example: You can't go out without permission.

When do we use reflexive pronouns? Provide four written examples. 

- When the subject and the object of the sentence are the same person or thing.

- to emphasize that the subject did the action alone or without help.


  1. He cut himself while cooking. (He did the action of cutting, and he received the cut.)
  2. We can solve the problem ourselves. (We will solve it without help.)

Would You Rather?

  • Would you rather travel to the past or the future?
  • Would you rather be able to fly or become invisible?
  • Would you rather live in the city or the countryside?
  • "I would rather travel to the future because..."
  • "I would prefer to be able to fly because..."
  • "I would choose to live in the countryside because..."