This is the person Caiden did not want to win the election for president of the United States of America
Donald Trump
This is the sound that a housecat can make, but a wild cat can't.
He was the only person to not be elected president.
George Washington
In the early 1940s, this comic book name was condensed to DC comics.
Detective Comics
The human body has this many bones.
Besides Donald Trump, he is the only person to be elected for two non-consecutive terms of office.
Grover Cleveland
This is the largest animal to have ever lived.
The blue whale
This founding father, President also wrote the Constitution.
Thomas Jefferson
In April 2022, this comic sold for $5.3m at auction.
Superman #1
This is the smallest bone in the body, measuring 3mm in length
The stirrup
She was Donald's first wife.
Ivana Zelnickova / Ivana
This plant has a more comparable DNA to animals than other plants.
He was the only president that served for more than two terms, thus having the 22nd amendment be made.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt / FDR
According to Marvel fans, this was the best comic story of all time.
Infinity Gauntlet
This battery powered board game has pieces called "bread basket", "spare ribs", "water on the knee", and "funny bone".
This was the title of Donald Trump's first book.
The art of the deal
There is no denying that this scary land animal has the strongest bite force in the animal kingdom.
Nile Crocodile
Who are the two non-presidents, currently on American currency.
Alexander Hamilton - $10
Benjamin Franklin - $100
This comic book group has the best selling, single issue comic book of all time with 8.2m copies since 1991.
X-men #1
Contrary to what some people would have you believe, this is the largest muscle in the body.
gluteus maximus
Donald Trump likes this drink so much he installed a red button in the oval office, specifically so someone would bring this beverage to him.
Diet Coke
This snake is so toxic that one bite has enough venom to kill up to 100 men.
Inland taipan
He was the shortest serving president, having died in office one month after his inauguration.
William Henry Harrison
Surpassing Batman with 490m copies sold, this (manga) is the most sold comic of all time.
One Piece
First published in 1858, this textbook was based on dissections performed on unclaimed corpses, later was used for a medical tv drama.
Gray's anatomy