ain't no lie, baby. bye, bye, bye
This game series has you play a sword wielding character that has to solve puzzles, to save the character that the game is named after.
Legend of Zelda
This is the amount of years each term for the president of the United States is.
4 years
This villian was trying to exterminate Jews while starting a war in the process.
Adolf Hitler
In hickory dickory dock, this many mice ran up the clock.
one mouse/a mouse
This lead singer owns a chain of restaurants which carry his name.
New Kids on the Block
This is the name of the main character in the first Castlevania game.
Simon Belmonte
This is the amount of years a term for a House of Representative member is.
2 years
This villian was best known for the destruction of the world trade towers.
Osama Bin Laden
This is what jack broke when he fell down the hill.
his crown
This is one of the most popular boy band's who wanted you to quit playing games with their hearts.
The Backstreet Boys
The first game that Mario appeared in.
Donkey Kong
This is the amount of time a term for a Supreme Court Justice.
This Chinese villian initiated soviet style communism into China and caused and estimated 40-80m deaths.
Mao Zedong
This is the item the third little pig ate.
roast beef
This band started as a tv show in which most of the band had zero music experience let alone know how to play any instruments.
The Monkeys
This was the first game for the Sega Genesis.
Altered Beast
This document is considered the supreme law of the land.
The Constitution
This roman emperor was known to have Christians burned in his garden for sources of light.
These are the three people the black sheep had a bag of wool for.
master, dame, little boy who lives down the lane
This Puerto Rican boy band had a revolving door of members at current count is at 39.
This game is the highest selling game of all time with over 520m copies sold worldwide.
There are the first three words of the U.S. Constitution.
We the people
This prime minister of Cambodia instituted communism to which a 1984 movie, the Killing Fields was made.
Pol Pot
This is how many blackbirds were baked in a pie in the nursery rhyme, sing a song of six pence.
four and twenty