The scheduling percent stores are expected to land A2D.
What is 100%?
This is how NPS is calculated.
What is %Promoters-%Detractors?
Collectively, this is how many unique products Walmart’s marketplace sellers have to offer.
What is over 80 million?
All D40 Sidekicks should have this brand of items featured year round.
What is Equate?
Complete the Rob saying- "If you want to go fast, go alone..."
What is "if you want to go far, go with a team"?
The scheduling percent stores are expected to land weekend A2D.
What is 100%?
This is the farthest distance the AP team can out to before they have to stop in an apprehension.
What is off the sidewalk?
This is the percentage of Walmart marketplace sellers that report profit margins exceeding 20%.
What is 73%?
In Tennessee, Pharmacists can test and treat for what three viruses?
What are Flu, Strep, & Covid?
Rob's favorite acronym ART stands for this.
What is Absolute, Relative, and Trend?
True/False- To be considered for a store lead role a coach, needs to have 1 year of Digital experience and 1 year of Food and Consumables experience.
What is false? 1 year of Digital experience and 1 year of Overnight experience
This is the goal for team utilization.
What is 80%?
This portion of small-to-midsize sellers on Walmart's marketplace earn over $100,000 annually.
What is over 50%?
H&W in M120 approximately accounted for this % of total market SOI last year.
What is 25%?
Complete the Rob saying "If I tell you to go right and you want to go left..."
What is "you have to convince me why going left is better."?
The goal for digital turnover.
What is less than 70%?
This is the day of the week that safety and hazardous waste have to be moved.
What is Thursday?
Approximately this many items are available for sale at Walmart, including both in-store and online products.
What is 160 million items.
True/False. Pharmacists in some states can check a patient's cholesterol and A1c in the pharmacy.
What is True?
The 3 P's stand for this.
What are People, Performance, and Purpose?
The team responsible for stocking the store Food Pantry.
Who are coaches and team leads?
This is the minimum dollar amount that we prosecute people on.
What is $25?
Walmart's online sales increased by this percentage during the pandemic period.
What is 74%?
This category has contributed to the largest amount of D40 nil picks this year.
What is lifestyle nutrition?
Finish this Rob saying "To be kind...."
What is "is to be clear"?