Strategic Marketing
Strategic Marketing
Marketing Strategies
Marketing Strategies
Marketing Environment
Marketing Environment
Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility

The major focus of the marketing concept.

What is customer satisfaction?


Customers consciously calculate the value of a product in benefits and costs for most purchases.  True or False

What is False?


Southwest is known for its culture of "luv" and its fun-loving approach. This is an example of ______

What is corporate identity?


Conducting a SWOT analysis comes immediately before the establishment of corporate and business-unit strategies.  True or False

What is False?


When evaluating environmental forces, lobbying involves this type of force in the marketing environment.

What is political force?


Nutritional Labeling and Education Act is a consumer protection law.  True or False

What is true?

Code of ethics should be updated periodically.  True or False.

What is true?


Organizational culture is one of the three factors that influence the ethical decision-making process.  True or False?

What is true?


Marketers have complete control over marketing mix variables.  True or False?

What is false?


This  mix variable is what  Walmart generally emphasized in its marketing activities?

What is price?


A _________________ is a written document that specifies the marketing activities to be performed to implement and evaluate the organization’s marketing strategies.

What is a marketing plan?


Google has written down the following: "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." This is most likely a part of Google's ___________________.

What is a mission statement?


Income that is available for spending and saving after an individual has purchased the basic necessities of food, clothing, and shelter is known as_________________.

What is discretionary income?


During this period in the business cycle are firms first likely to cut their marketing budgets?

What is recession? 


This is the greatest determinant of ethical conduct in the organization?

What is a company's ethical culture?


Individual values are more likely to influence organizational ethical decision making than organizational culture. True or False

What is false?


________________________ deepens the buyer’s trust in the company, and as the customer’s confidence grows, this, in turn, increases the firm’s understanding of the customer’s needs.

What is relationship marketing?


Marketing environment forces are uncontrollable, so marketers do not plan for them.  True or False

What is False?


Through the process of____________ a company establishes an organizational mission and formulates goals, a corporate strategy, marketing objectives, and a marketing strategy

What is strategic planning?


This is a disadvantage of being a first-mover in the market.

What is large outlays associated with creating a new product?


Many marketing managers attempt to influence and shape environmental forces. This is known as the ______ approach.

What is proactive?


______ is a procedure with which managers try to foresee the effects of new products and processes on their firm’s operations, on other business organizations, and on society in general.

What is technology assessment?


Evaluate the truthfulness of this statement: Strong ethical standards are necessary to completely eliminate misconduct from the organization. True or false

What is false?


A rule of thumb for resolving ethical and social responsibility issues is that if an issue can withstand open discussion that results in agreement or limited debate, an acceptable solution may exist. True or false

What is true?


The marketing environment includes ___________, economic, political, legal and regulatory, technological, and __________ forces.

What is competitive and sociocultural?


When Panera Bread decided to eliminate artificial flavorings and preservatives from its products, it was   most likely responding to this.

What is marketing environment forces?


Marty works at an organization with a clear chain of command. The major decisions are relegated to top managers. Marty and his co-workers have strict performance standards. Managers at his organization monitor the work of employees to make sure they are staying on track. This is an example of a ______________organization.

What is centralized?


This is why a marketer may want to engage in marketing cost analysis?

What is allocating a  firm's marketing resources better in the future?


__________involves organized efforts by individuals, groups, and organizations to protect consumers’

What is consumerism? 


Table salt most closely resembles this type of competition?

What is pure competition?


Social responsibility improves this?

What is marketing performance?


A(n)______________ is an identifiable problem, situation, or opportunity that requires an individual or organization to choose from among several actions that must be evaluated as right or wrong, ethical or unethical.

What is ethical issue?


This statement describes a benefit that marketing offers

What enhances consumer awareness?


It is possible for a customer to have a negative lifetime value. True or False.

What is true?


Procter & Gamble's Tide laundry detergent has a predominant share of the detergent market in the United States. It makes $4.5 billion in sales of this detergent brand. However, the detergent market has reached market saturation in the United States. With this information, this is an example of ______market share matrix.

What is a cash cow?


_________________ is the process of collecting information about forces in the marketing environment.

What is environmental scanning?


The ___________ of technology involves the constant change that challenges every aspect of our society.

What is dynamics?


________________occur(s) when companies ask customers to return products found to be defective.

What is product recalls?


Every year Yoplait hosts events to raise money Susan G. Komen, the largest breast cancer organization in the United States. Susan G. Komen works to provide breast cancer education, social services, research, and more. These events that Yoplait funds every year is most likely this type of marketing?

What is cause-related marketing?


Social responsibility differ from ethics for this reason.

What is how it deals with the total effect of marketing decisions on society. 
