this person influences a target audience by promoting or recommending things
what is an influencer
extensible markup language
what is XML
used to categorize posts by using a short phrase
what is hashtags
communicating immediately through typing on a mobile device
what is text messaging
the activity of both selling and delivering products and services from manufacturer to customer
what is distribution
engaging in social media content by liking, following, sharing etc.
what is a participant
allows sending SMS without using a mobile phone
what is SMS gateway
A comment inside another comment.
what is nested comments
transmit or receive live video and audio coverage of (an event) over the internet.
what is live streaming
a method of transmitting or receiving data over a computer network
someone who offers a product or service that fills an immediate need
what is contributor
a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection
what is voice over IP
used to describe a social media post that is shared quickly until many people have seen it
a messaging system for a business which works as a pop-up chat window within a company's website
what is live chat
something as consumers we have become familiar with
what is immediacy
the number of times a piece of content was displayed to a target audience
what is an impression
web content that can be better adapted and linked to keywords that correspond to a company's services and products
the approximate number of potential customers who view a specific advertising campaign
what is reach
a digital medium consisting of audio (or video) episodes that relate to a specific theme for users to watch/listen to
what is a podcast
information, in many different forms, that doesn't follow conventional data models, making it difficult to store and manage in a mainstream relational database
what is unstructured data
combining various offerings into one to offer a single brand for a variety of services
what is an aggregator
web applications that can exchange data with the server in the background without the complete page having to be reloaded
what is AJAX
the number of times a person is exposed to an advertisement or the number of times an advertisement is repeated through a specific medium over a specific time period
what is frequency
the exchange of near-real-time messages through a standalone application or embedded software.
what is instant messaging
the ability to the company to maintain their participation in a context with new set of rules
what is permanence