Signs of an emergency.
What is Unusual Sound, Behavior, Sights, and Odors.
Your first responsibility at any scene
What is Personal Safety.
What attack occurs when blood flow to part of the
heart muscle is blocked.
What is Heart Attack?
If someone is choking, how do you begin?
What is back blows.
What is breathing that is faster and shallower than normal?
What is Hyperventilation?
Protect the responder from financial reliability.
What is Good Samaritan Laws?
What is 5-10 seconds?
What occurs when the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs.
What is Cardiac Arrest?
What happens if the person choking is too large to wrap your arms around for abdominal thrusts?
What is Chest thrusts?
What is a drug that slows or stops the effects of anaphylaxis.
What is Epinephrine?
Before giving first aid or care to the person you must obtain permission.
What is consent?
If an older person has impaired hearing, how should you approach them?
What is from the front?
What medication is good for heart attacks if you are not allergic.
What is Aspirin?
The passageway between the mouth and lungs that allows life-sustaining oxygen into the body?
What is the Airway.
What is a chronic condition characterized by the body’s
inability to process glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream.
What is Diabetes?
When a minor needs emergency medical attention and the minor's parent or guardian is not present.
What is implied consent?
How should you introduce the person?
What is begin by asking the person’s name, and use it when you speak to the person?
A law enacted to legally protect trained providers who voluntarily stop to help, act prudently, do not provide care beyond training, and are not completely careless in delivering emergency care.
What is Good Samaritan law.
How should you positing the baby's head when giving compressions?
What is head under the chest?
A basic CPR skill that creates increased pressure in the chest cavity and direct compression of the heart. This forces blood to move from the chest to the lungs, brain, and rest of the body?
What is Chest Compressions.
Emergency Action Steps
What is Check Call Care?
A set of regulations and ethical considerations that define the scope, or extent, and limits of the EMT's job
What is Scope of Practice.
What is cardiopulmonary resuscitation?
What is CPR?
A life-threatening BLS emergency in which breathing is absent or not normal and the heart is still beating?
What is Respiratory Arrest.
What occurs when blood flow to part of the brain is interrupted by a blood clot, resulting in the death of brain cells?
What is a Stroke?