When did Martin L. King die
4th of april, 1968
What happened on the 11th of September 2001
9/11. Two planes flied into the twin towers
Can everyone vote in the US
Who is the leader of the Nation of Islam
Elijah Muhammad
What sentence is Martin L. King Known for
I have a dream
What did Martin L. King surprised in Connecticut
White people and negroes lived together in peace
How many died in the terror of the twin towers
Around 3.000
are there still racism in the US
yeah there is much racism
Was Malcolm peacefully
Did people something to prevent the killing of George Floyd
What did Martin L. King stand for
he stand for human rights for black people
How many percent of hispanics/latino workers have experienced workplace discrimination
22 percent
What part of the Body were Breonna Taylor shot
in the head
What group did Malcolm join
The Nation of Islam
What is U.S. known for
The land of oppertunity
When was Martin L. King born. Year and city
Georgia, 1929
How many percent of white people have experienced workplace discrimination
6 percent
What is the US known for (room for different cultures)
a huge melting pot
Who killed Malcolm
the Nation of Islam
How many muslims were apart of 9/11
What did Martin L. King die of
Martin L. King died of a sniper bullet
Who was suffocated by two cops
George Floyd
Who filmed Rodney King get beaten
George Holiday
who killed Malcolms father in 1929
KKK/ Ku Klux Klan
How many hispanics will there be in the U.S. in 2050
112.000 hispanics