Atlanta, Georgia
Who shot MLK Jr?
James Earl Rae, fatally shot MLK at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968, at 6:01 p.m. CST. He was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he died at 7:05 p.m.
How was Martin’s mother killed?
By a gunshot while in church
What president declared MLK's birthday as a holiday?
In 1983, President Ronald Reagan created a federal holiday honouring King for his commitment to justice and equal rights for all. Martin Luther King Jr. Day was observed for the first time on January 20, 1986.
What did MLK's father and grandfather do for a living?
They were both Baptist preachers though Dr. King did not go into ministry until later in life.
What is MLK’s date of birth?
January 15, 1929
Where is Dr. King's burial site?
On the grounds of the Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site near Ebenezer Baptist Church and Dr. King's birth home on Auburn Avenue, in Atlanta.
How many streets in the United States are named after MLK
More than 730
How old was MLK when he first experienced racism?
He was six years old when the parents of his white friend declared they could no longer play together because they went to separate segregated schools.
What movie/show was MLK a fan of and allowed his children to stay up late watching?
Star Trek
How many children did MLK have with his wife?
Four children. Bernice, Yolanda, Dexter, and Martin Luther King III
What city was MLK assassinated?
Memphis, Tennessee at the Lorraine Motel.
What was MLK's first job?
A paper route. His work ethic allowed him to be promoted, and he became the youngest assistant manager for The Atlanta Journal delivery station at age 13.
In what year did Martin become a pastor at Dexter Avenue Baptist church?
What was Dr. King's wife's name?
Coretta Scott.
Dr. King wrote in his autobiography, "She was a mezzo-soprano and I'm sure she would have gone on into this area if a Baptist preacher hadn't interrupted her life."
How many honorary degrees did Dr. King receive?
20 total honorary degrees. As if earning three degrees as a student wasn't enough, Washington State University reported that Dr. King was awarded honorary doctorates from Howard University, Bard College, Yale, Wesleyan, and many other higher-education institutions across the US and the world.
How old was MLK when he entered into college?
The young age of 15! King was such a gifted student that he skipped grades nine and 12 before enrolling in 1944 at Morehouse College, the alma mater of his father and maternal grandfather.
What was Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth name before it was changed to Martin?
MLK's birth name was Michael.
What is the name of one of the colleges Martin attended?
Morehouse College, Crozer or Boston University
What final state declared to officially observe MLK Day as a national holiday?
South Carolina in 2000.