Everyone's favorite elf is not just your friend, he's your Buddy
What is "Elf"
We learn about the birth of Jesus in this gospel
What is the book of "Luke"
In "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", grandma had been drinking too much of this
What is eggnog
Throughout the holiday season, people kiss under this type of plant
What is the mistletoe
Carol singing in Puerto Rico is called
What are Parrandas (also called Asalto or Trulla)
In Home Alone, where are the McCallisters going on vacation when they leave Kevin behind?
What is "Paris"
Before the birth of Jesus, Mary was visited by an Angel who spoke of her miraculouis pregnancy
Who was Gabriel
All I want for Christmas is You was released this year
What is 1994
This Christmas decoration is usually hung on the front door
What is a Christmas wreath
The composer of 'Feliz Navidad'
Who is Jose Feliciano
This movie series features Tim Allen and his adventures
What is "The Santa Clause" series
The Magi brought these three gifts for the baby Jesus.
What are Gold, Frankincense, and Myrr
Finish the lyrics - Take a look at the five and ten, it's glistening once again, with candy canes and __________ that glow.
What are Silver lanes
This fast-food restaurant has become a Christmas tradition in Japan
What is KFC (due to a successful marketing campaign in the 1970s)
On the 12th day of Christmas, the children of Puerto Rico gather grass and place it in a shoe box under their beds this day is known as
What is 'El dia de los Tres Reyes Magos' (3 Kings Day)
"It's all humbug, I tell you"
What is a Christmas Carol
The Bible says these animals were present at the birth of Jesus.
What were None
Name the Song based on the lyrics - 'So he said, "Let's run, and we'll have some fun"
What is Frosty the Snowman
The gingerbread house tradition started in this country
What is Germany
These tamale-like patties of green banana and meat are served as a side dish
What is pasteles
The island of misfit toys is referenced in this movie
What is "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"
The one trying to kill baby Jesus
Who was King Herod
The total number of gifts received in the 12 Day of Christmas?
What are 364
This state in the US is known for growing the most Christmas trees
What is Oregon
Traditional Christmas songs in Puerto Rico are called
What is Aguinaldos