What is the name of Tony Stark's company in the Iron Man trilogy?
Stark Industries
In the age of Ultron, which Avenger is ALMOST worthy enough to pick up Thor's hammer?
Captain America
Which villain was the biggest threat to The Avengers
"Wakanda Forever!" - Black Panther
How many years was Captain America frozen for in Captain America: The First Avenger?
Nearly 70 years
In the Age of Ultron, what is the name of the Iron Man suit Tony used to fight The Hulk?
Where did Infinity War take place?
"I am Iron Man" - Tony Stark
What planet do Thor and Loki come from?
The Planet of Asdgard
Who had to put an arc reactor in their chest to keep shrapnel from killing them?
Tony Stark / Iron Man
What are Captain America's shield and Black Panther's suit made out of?
"I can do this all day" -Captain America
What is the name of the cosmic cube that Loki takes control of in The Avengers?
The Tesseract
What is the name of the shadowy organization the Avengers battle at the beginning of Age of Ultron?
In Infinity War, which previous Marvel villain do we see return and lead Thanos to the Soul Stone?
Red Skull
"With great power comes great responsibility" - Aunt May / Uncle Ben
Name the 6 original Avengers
Hawkeye, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, Thor
How does Black Widow turn the Hulk back into Bruce Banner?
With a lullaby
When the Scarlet Witch is mad, which Avenger does she kill TWICE?
"I'd rather be a good man than a great king" - Thor