This person is a Queen and the mother of an underwater red-haired princess
Queen Athena
Listen to the song played by Sam and name the song title and artist
Baby by Justin Bieber
Where was Anne born?
Her bathtub at home
What is Jake's hometown?
Lake Crystal, MN
When is Maeve's due date?
April 24
The name of this mother actually rhymes with her son's name, Dumbo.
Mrs. Jumbo
Fill in these lyrics from the song, "Baby, It's Cold Outside:"
"I've got to get home
Baby, you'll freeze out there
Say,____ ____ ____ ____?
It's up to your knees out there
Lend me your comb?
What is Anne's favorite musical?
Les Miserables
What year did Jake first fly on a plane?
What is the theme of the nursery?
Winnie the Pooh
This is the mother of three little kittens in the Aristocats
Which year did Vanilla Ice release the song, "Ice Ice Baby?"
What number was Anne in high school basketball?
Which event did Jake compete in for his 2012 Sections Track Meet?
200m dash
Where did the name "Maeve" come from?
Jake liked it/slight nod to Anne's Irish heritage (either answer will suffice)
Who is the Minnesotan mother from Inside Out?
Jill Andersen
In which year did the singer of "...Baby One More Time" shave her head?
Name two things that start with "P" that Anne hates?
Puke and peas
What is Jake's favorite video game of all time?
Command and Conquer: Renegade
When, specifically, did Anne find out she was pregnant? (aka number of weeks and days)
3 weeks and 4 days
This mom is typically known as Andy's Mom in Toy Story, however, she is a Mrs. ________ - What is her last name?
Mrs. Davis
In the song, "Baby Got Back," which two car brands are mentioned?
Mercedes and Honda
What is the last episode title of Anne's favorite show?
"The One Where They Say Goodbye"
Which rock band has a photo of a ticket featured in Jake's Facebook profile pictures?
Where was Maeve's parents' first date?
Can Can Wonderland