Two classes in the class division of Marxism?
What is Proletariat and Bourgeoise
Abolition of feudal privileges, attempts at stabilizing pricing and land redistribution
What is the significant reforms?
The 3 estates
What is clergy, nobility and commoners
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
What were the slogans that encouraged third estate to form one identity surpassing previous social hierarchies?
The two types of governments prior to the FR
What is Absolute Monarchy and Feudalism
Aligned with Marx's idea
What is economic inequality?
Leader of the Reign of Terror (July 1793)
Who is Maximilian Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety
radical reforms
What is what the working class demanded?
Encouraged Proletariats to challenge the existing structure and seek a more egalitarian society?
What is The Enlightenment
Bourgeoisie did not rise
What is Marxist's failed theory?
What happened in the Women's March on Versailles (October 1789)
Thousands of Parisian women marched to Versailles to protest rising food prices like bread. (Pressured the royal family to return to Paris, depicting public discontent and influence of popular protests.)
What is abolitions of feudal privileges
The Rousseau, Montesquieu and Voltaire
What is the
Rousseau- social contract and free will
Montesquieu- separation of powers
Voltaire- advocating for individual rights
What is equality and fraternitiy with evolved into Legislative Assembly and later National Convention reflecting changing political dynamics again?
The Storming of Bastille?
What is when citizens stormed prison for gunpowder, igniting widespred uprisings. (Symbolized resistance to royal tyranny and is celebrated as Bastille Day. Led to the abolition of feudal privileges and the Declaration of Rights of man, promoting equality and individual rights.)
Aligned with Marxist ideals
What is the elimination of feudal obligations and privileges?
The factors leading to revolution
What is financial and economic issues, peasants from lower class in society were made less engaged to support feudal system, population increase in France and crop failures
Jacobin Club
What is the political group originally called the "Society of the Friends of the Constitution?"
The Rise of Napoleon
What is overthrowing a weak government and establishing the Consulate marking the end of the revolutionary phase and the beginning of his leaderships, with reforms such as Napoleonic code being created?
One movement made all together is stronger than alone