Was Mary born without original sin?
Yes, She was!
True or False, Do we call Jesus’ heart the Immaculate Heart of Jesus?
False, unlike his mother Jesus‘ heart is called the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Who was Mary‘s husband?
Saint Joseph, was Mary’s husband.
In paintings what is color is Mary usually portrayed, or drawn in?
Mary is usually portrayed in the color blue.
Who were Mary’s parents?
Saint Anne and Saint Joachim
What does the fire on the Immaculate Heart of Mary symbolize?
It symbolizes her heart burning with love for Jesus and for us.
Is Mary God?
No, but we can still pray to her and ask her to intercede with us to God
True or False, is blue considered a holy color?
Where was Mary often found as a child, and what was she found doing?
As a child, Mary was often found in the temple in deep meditation or prayer.
What does the sword piercing through the Immaculate Heart of Mary symbolize?
It symbolizes Mary’s sorrows
Why do we as Catholics pray to Mary?
We pray to her to ask her, as the Mother of Christ, to pray with us to God. Another way to say this is, asking Mary to intercede with us to God.
True or False, in historical times the blue of Mary’s head covering denoted her divine status.
What did Mary do once she was on the steps of temple, why was it unusual to what most children would do?
Mary didn’t look back to her parents like most children would do.
What do the roses on the Immaculate hearty of Mary represent?
It represents her purity.
When is the memorial of Mary, the Mother of the church celebrated?
It is celebrated the Monday after Pentecost
What does Mary’s blue cloak symbolize?
It symbolizes the Virgins’ purity, symbolizes the skies, and labels her as an empress, for blue was associated with Byzantine.
Did Mary help out at the temple , if so give an example of what she would did to help, if not give an example on how she was unhelpful?
Mary was very helpful she washed cloths and cleansed pots and pans.
What does the Immaculate Heart of Mary demonstrate from us?
It demonstrates for us the tenderness of the maternal love of the woman chosen to be the Mother of God Himself, the Mother of the Incarnate word, our Mother
What year did Saint Pope Paul the sixth declare Mary as the Mother of the Church?
He declared this in 1964
What does the color blue represent in Catholicism?
It indicates the constancy, fidelity, genuineness, and aspiration.