Which cartoon animals does Bert dance with?
What song do Bert and the penguins sing to Mary?
Jolly Holiday
Uncle Albert has a contagious condition that Bert is afraid the children will catch. What is it?
Laughter/Laughing Gas
What is the cure?
Thinking of something sad.
What is the song that Mary Poppins sings when they’re cleaning up the nursery?
Spoonful of Sugar
Bert has 5 different jobs. Name 3 of them.
One-man-band, Chalk Artist, Balloon Salesman, Chimney Sweep, Kite Salesman
What are the names of the 2 children?
Jane and Michael
What is the childrens' last name?
What was the name of the nanny before Mary Poppins?
Katie Nanna
Why does Katie Nanna quit?
Because Jane and Michael ran away...AGAIN!
Where does Mr. Banks work?
At the bank
Name the street where the Banks family lived.
Cherry Tree Lane
What does Mary Poppins say is the word to say when you don’t know what else to say?
Mr. Banks is finally found after being missing for hours when he is fired from the bank. As it turns out, he was in the basement. What was he doing down there?
Fixing the childrens' kite.
Who sings the song “The Life I Lead”?
Mr. Banks
Who wins the horse race at the track?
Mary Poppins
What do they jump into that brings them to the world with Penguins and Merry-GoRound horses?
A chalk drawing
How did Mary Poppins get the paper that the kids wrote with the requirements for their new nanny?
The ripped-up paper floated up the chimney and flew to Mary Poppins. Magic!
At the end of the movie, why did Mary Poppins leave?
Because the "wind changed". Also, she was finished teaching the family how to enjoy life together.
What is the missing word? “Let’s go fly a ______”
Who takes Jane and Michael to go fly kites?
Their mom and dad
Michael is pressured to give his tuppence ($) to Mr. Dawes so an account can be opened in his name. What does Michael want to do with it instead?
Feed the birds
The tape measure says who is “practically perfect in every way”?
Mary Poppins
Who does the tape measure say is “rather inclined to giggle, doesn’t put things away”?
On their way to buy fish, Mary and the children are alerted to an issue with ____? (Who?)
Uncle Albert
Which character told them their was a problem with Uncle Albert?
Andrew, the dog
Where do Mary, Bert, Uncle Albert, and the children, have a party?
Up by the ceiling
What did Mr. Binnacle and Admiral Boom shoot at the chimney sweeps?
The chimney sweeps dance on the rooftops of London during which song?
Step in Time
What happens to the potential nannies standing outside the Banks’ house waiting to be interviewed?
They are blown away by the wind.