What is the meaning of the name Judy?
Origin: Hebrew
he will be praised" or "woman of Judea"
Is it true or a myth that we only use ten percent of our brains?
It is a myth! This myth was invented by motivational speakers, and there is no science to it. While it is true that we are all full of potential which we can work to actualize, we do use 100% of our brains nearly all the time, even while sleeping.
Do dogs have more or fewer taste buds than humans?
Fewer! 1700, versus 9000. They can mostly just taste salty and sweet.
How many sides does each snowflake have?
"Treat others as they want to be treated"
This rule was invented to acknowledge that the golden rule sometimes falls flat when we assume other people have the same preferences as we do, and is meant to acknowledge that what is good for one person isn't necessarily good for the next.
What is the meaning of the name Kathi?
Origin: Greek
Kathi can be short for the name Catherine, but both names come from the Greek word Katharos, which means pure, clean or clear.
Can you catch a cold from being outside in the winter?
What percent of their genetics do housecats share with tigers?
95.6 percent, and they exhibit many of the same behaviors.
How big was the worlds largest snowflake?
1.5 centimeters
2 inches
5 inches
15 inches
5 feet
The largest on record was 15 inches across, and eight inches thick!
Make new friends and keep the old... how long does the average friendship last?
What is the meaning of the name Claire?
Origin: French
Clear, bright, or light colored
Does eating turkey make you tired?
Yes, turkey contains an amino acid that can make you sleepy. However, it is not the only food that contains this ingredient. Because we eat so much turkey on thanksgiving day, this is the most famous example. The carbs and alcohol associated with Thanksgiving also make us sleepy.
Are a bloodhounds sense of smell admissible in court?
No, it is actually translucent, but reflects light and often appears white.
A diamond anniversary. 75 years and we get back to the same gift as day 1 of an engagement.
What is the meaning of the name Dona?
Origin: Spanish
Is Betty White really the greatest thing since sliced bread?
No, because she is older than pre sliced bread!
Are cats whiskers only on their face?
No, Cats have whiskers on their legs too.
Yes, snow does affect how sound travels.
What percent of gold is locked in a vault in bar form?
45 percent, creating an artificial scarcity
What do the names Lillian and Rosie have in common?
They are both names that come from flowers, Lilly and Rose respectively.
Does honey really never expire?
True, honey never expires. It may crystalize, but it is still good to eat and the crystals can be heated and destroyed.
Humans can be right or left handed, are cats and dogs right or left handed too?
They can be right or left pawed. But a greater percentage are ambidextrous than in humans.
What culture has 421 words for snow?
Scottish. The Inuit are rumored to have 50 words for snow, but Scotland has that figure beat.
Scientists suspect gold may have applications to help cure what disease?
Cancer, specifically ovary or prostate cancer