The 4 Rightly Guided Khalifahs.
Who are Abu Bakr Al- Siddiq, Omar ibn Al- Khattab, Othman ibn Affan, and Ali ibn Abi Talib (RAA)?
This prophet is stated in the Quran as the end of all prophets.
Who is Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
The ancient name of Medina in the Quran.
Where is Yathrib?
During Hajj, in order to complete Tawaf, you go around the Ka'bah this many times.
What is 7 times?
The five daily Islamic prayers.
What are Fajr, Duhur, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha?
The wife of Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA)?
Who is Fatima (RA)?
The category of creature classified as Iblis.
What is Jinn?
Prophet Musa (AS) was banished from this city for 40 years due to the mischief of the Israelites.
Where is Jerusalem?
The male pilgrims wear two white cloths called ______.
What is Ihram?
This prayer can be prayed in 8 or 20 raka'ahs.
What is Taraweeh?
One of the Caliphs who migrated to Abyssinia.
Who is Uthman ibn Affan (RA)?
The prophet named Ahmad in the Quran.
Who is Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
Masjid An- Nabawi is located in this city.
Where is Medina?
Where do you have to go for Hajj?
Where are Mecca, Mina, Muzdalifah, and Arafat?
This prayer is performed when there is a need for rain. DOUBLE JEOPARDY
What is Salat al- Istasqa?
This Khalifah took part in the liberation of Jerusalem.
Who is Omar (RA)?
The total number of Ruku' in the Quran.
Pharaoh was the ruler of this country.
Where is Egypt?
TRUE OR FALSE- Medina is apart of the Hajj ceremonies.
Eid prayer has how many takbeers in the first rak'ah?
7 takbeers.
This Caliph addressed the Muslims following the death of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), after praising Allah, he said, “Whoever worshipped Muhammad should know that Muhammad is dead, but whoever worshipped Allah, then Allah is Ever-living and shall never die.”
Who is Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (RA)?
The only woman to have a surah named after her.
Who is Maryam, mother of Isa (AS)?
Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was born and raised in this city. DOUBLE JEOPARDY
Where is Ur?
Hajj is held in this country.
Where is Saudi Arabia?
Salat al- Khusuf has this many rak'ahs. DOUBLE JEOPARDY
2 rakahs.