Where do physiological needs fall on the hierarchy (where is it on the pyramid)?
Extra 50 if you can tell me why it falls in that spot
bottom of the pyramid (the need that needs to be fulfilled first before being able to move onto the others)
Where does safety fall on the hierarchy (where is it at on the pyrmid)?
second from bottom
where does love and belonign fall on the hierarchy (where is it on the pyramid)?
It is the third need on the pyramid.
where does esteem fall in the hierarchy (where is it on the pyramid)?
second from the top
where does self-actualization fall in the hierarchy (where is it on the pyramid)?
Extra 50 points if you tell me why
top of pyramid - cannot reach this until you've fulfilled all other pieces
Physiological needs fall under:
A. Basic Needs
B. Psychological Needs
C. Fulfillment, morality, and creativity
Basic Needs
Safety needs fall under:
A. Psychological Needs
B. Basic Needs
C. Fulfillment, morality, creativity
B. Basic Needs
Love and belonging falls under:
A. Psychological Needs
B. Fulfillment, morality, creativity
C. Basic Needs
Psychological Needs
Esteem falls under:
A. Psychological Needs
B. Fulfillment, morality, creativity
C. Basic Needs
A. Psychological
Self-Actualization falls under:
A. Psychological Needs
B. Fulfillment, morality, creativity
C. Basic Needs
B. Fulfillment, morality, creativity
What are physiological needs?
water, sleep, food, shelter, clothes, air
what are safety needs?
feel secure in your body, with your health, family, the resources you have, etc.
what is love and belonging?
"I am accepted" - connection, relationships, love
What are esteem needs?
Confidence, self-respect, healthy self-esteem
What is self actualization?
"I am ME" - self-acceptance, desire to become the best version of yourself
What are two ways to further fulfill your physiological needs?
drinign enough water, adequate sleep, healthy meals, etc.
What are two ways to further fulfill your safety needs?
connecting with your supports, maintaining healthy relationships, etc.
What are two ways to further fulfill your love and belonging needs?
Spending time with family and friends, getting involved in social activities, experiencing healthy romantic relationships, etc.
What are two ways to further fulfill your esteem needs?
acknowledge your positives/strengths, your accomplishments, valuing yourself, etc.
What are two ways to further fulfill self-actualization?
being open to change and learning, acceoting yourself and your circumstances, seeking personal growth and fulfillment, etc.
Weighing around 8lbs (on average), what is the human body's largest organ?
The skin
What was the first animal to ever be cloned?
A sheep
Which travels faster, sound or light?
What is the Grinch's dog's name?
What is Jack Skellington's dog's name?