He's the most frequent visitor to the lobby candy bowl.
Most likely to get hired as an IB analyst at Harris Williams
These are the hours of operation for the 411Shops convenience store located in the lobby.
Please let us know if you find out.
2024 MW intern Thomas famously changed a flat tire for Ben and Jeff while road tripping back from Indianapolis
Despite joining two golf clubs in '24 and organizing the tournament, this MW employee did not win the prestigious MW Cup in Kohler in September of '24.
Most likely to call out Tyler’s innocent, could have happened to anyone, hardly a mistake, mistake during the last PDC meeting
This local legal legend is relocating his firm's global HQ to the 411 building in 2025
This meme famously won 'meme' of the year at the 2022 Holiday Party
False. The winner was this gem
Certain members of MW visited this Midwest landmark while traveling in 2024
Most likely to mention he's a member of the private Milwaukee Athletic Club.
Most popular order from the new coffee machine
Café Americano, 1051 of them ordered since we got back in the office in mid-April
When traveling for work, Tyler likes to meet up with his co-workers in the Mitchell Airport Meditation Room - and not at the gate.
This MW employee studied in Italy during his undergraduate years at Notre Dame.
Carlo Thome
Most likely to prank your workstation while you are in the bathroom
Which of these amenities is not offered at the 411 Building?
A. Nutman
B. Summer Concert Series
C. Lactation Suite
D. Reliable Parking Garage Technology
Our Business Development leader has a second family in North Dakota.