Working Tools
Presidents Masons
Symbols of Masonry
Maine Masonry
American Masonic History

Working Tools of a Master Mason

A. All the implements of Masonry; most especially the Trowel.

B. All the implements of Masonry; most especially the Gavel.

C. All the implements of Masonry.

A. All the implements of Masonry; most especially the Trowel.

C. All the implements of Masonry.


Became the first, and so far the only, Brother to be simultaneously President and Master of his Lodge.

Who was George Washington?


He was a talented workman, skilled in metals, wood, stone and linen. He was sent by King Hiram to help in the erection and adornment of King Solomon's Temple.

Who is Hiram Abif?

  • We know that The Grand Lodge of Maine was formed in 1820. My first question is; How many Lodges originally formed our Grand Lodge?
  • A. 32
  • B. 31
  • C. 10

B. 31


French liaison to the Colonies, without whose aid the war could not have been won, was a Freemason

Who is Marquis de Lafayette?


The Trowel is used by Operative Masons for this purpose.

A.  To level & plumb the stones.

B.  To spread the cement that unites the building into one structure.

C.  To unite masons into a band or society of friends & brothers

B.  To spread the cement that unites the building into one structure.


He was the sixth Grand Master of Masons of Tennessee, serving from October 7, 1822 until October 4, 1824.

Who is Andrew Jackson?


He was a friend and ally of King David. At Solomon's request he furnished assistance in the construction of the Temple.

Who is Hiram, King of Tyre?


Where and On what night of the month does the 11th District Officers Association meet:

A. Decided at each meeting where the next to be

B. Where and the presiding officer says the next meeting will be held

C. Fourth Wednesday at 7:30 PM at the Augusta Masonic Center.

D. First Monday of the month; location by vote of the Officers Association

C. Fourth Wednesday at 7:30 PM at the Augusta Masonic Center.


This Mason gave George Washington a beautiful Masonic Apron which he wore while laying the Cornerstone of the National Capitol?

Who is Marquis de Lafayette?


The Trowel is Used by Speculative Masons for this purpose …

A. Represents faith, hope & charity...

B. Represents spreading the cement of brotherly love & affection...

C. Represents uniting masons into a society of Friends and Brothers …

B. Represents spreading the cement of brotherly love & affection...

C. Represents uniting masons into a society of Friends and Brothers …


He issued an Executive Order, dated, October 17, 1901 changing the name of the "Executive Mansion" to the "White House".

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?


A Manual published by most Grand Lodges containing portions of the Ritualistic Work, usually in code.

What is a Masonic Monitor?


10, 11, 12, 13, 14

How Many Lodges are there in the 11th Masonic District.


This single event almost destroyed the Craft in the U.S. in the mid 1820's and also led to the creation of the nation's first political third party, the "Anti-Masonic Party."

What is The Morgan Affair?


Common Gavel is Used by Operative Masons for this purpose…

A. To level and plumb the fitted stones

B. To Break off the corners of rough stones to better fit for the builders use

C. To keep off cowans & eavesdroppers

B. To break off the corners of rough stones to better fit for the builders use


He was presented with a fifty-year award, the only U.S. President to reach that golden anniversary in Freemasonry.

Who is Harry S. Truman?


The Pot of Incense, The Bee-hive, The Book of Constitution Guarded by the Tyler’s sword, The Sword Pointing to the Naked Heart, The Anchor and Ark, The 47th Problem of Euclid, The Hour-glass, Scythe, The Setting-maul, The Spade, and The Coffin.

What are Emblems?


RW. Richard Nadeau

RW. Brian Messing

RW. Donald Pratt

RW. Daniel Bartlett

Who is the current Deputy Grand Master of Maine?


The Cornerstone of the National Capitol was laid by this Mason?

Who is George Washington?


Common Gavel is Used by Speculative Masons for this purpose…

A. To honor our operative brethren

B. Reminds us to divest ourselves of the vices and superfluities of life

C.  Symbolizes the fitting of us as living stones in that spiritual building

B. Reminds us to divest ourselves of the vices and superfluities of life

C.  Symbolizes the fitting of us as living stones in that spiritual building


Which of these president was not a Mason? George Washington, James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson or James Buchanan

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


The Holy Bible, Square and Compasses.

What are the three Great Lights?


Seminary Hill Daylight Lodge

What is the name of the only Daylight Lodge in Maine?


He Defeated General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana's forces at the decisive battle of San Jacinto on the afternoon of April 21, 1836.

Who is Sam Houston?
