What is the capital of France? (London, Madrid or Paris)
What gets smaller every time it takes a bath?
Who was the first president of the United states of America? (Benjamin Franklin, George Washington or Thomas Jefferson)
George Washington
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Who sang Never Gonna Give You Up? (Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson or Rick Astley)
Rick Astley
What continent is India in? (Africa, Asia or Oceania)
I am easy to lift, but hard to throw. What am I?
A feather
When did communism fall? (The 1980's, The 1990's or The 2000's)
The 1990's
45 - 7
When did the brainrot meme era start? (2021, 2015 or 2011)
Dubai is a city in witch country? (France, Russia or the UAE)
UAE United Arab Emirates
What goes through cities and fields, but never moves?
A road
Ford's Theater
13 x 3
What are the horrifying impenetrable creatures of death that caused mass destruction of the World and the people within it? (Children, Robots or Furbies)
What is Earth's current population? (8 billion, 9 billion or 9 and a half billion)
8 billion
What has a head but no brain?
What one of these countries were on the Allies (The good side) of World War 2? (The Soviet Union, Finland or Romania)
The Soviet Union
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What character has a movie featuring the song All Star? (Sonic, Mario or Shrek)
What is the second largest country? (Canada, China or Russia)
What is black when it's clean, and white when it's dirty?
A Chalkboard
Where was Napoleon Bonaparte Exiled when the French Empire fell? (St. Helena, St. Lucia or St. Kitts and Nevis)
St. Helena
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What is the black and white grinning meme face called?