True or False
Which is Better?
Refer to?
Can Pathways...
Yes or No?

Survivor Support Advocates tell survivors what to do.

What is False? 

Advocates support survivors, but do not tell them what to do.


1.  Telling a survivor what to do


2. Listening to a survivor 

What is (2.) Listening to a survivor?


Where does a survivor call to report that they are being sexually abused?

What is the DPPC?

The Disabled Persons Protection Commission


Does Pathways have a 24 hour hotline for survivors and their friends and family to use?

What is Yes?

24/7 Hotline: 800-870-5905
24/7 VP (for ASL) Hotline: 508-502-7681


Sexual Violence is when someone is forced to do something sexually they don't want to do.

What is Yes?


Survivor Support Advocates are there to listen and support survivors of sexual violence.

What is True?


1. Calling a Pathways counselor for help


2. Just ignoring what you think you heard

What is (1.) Calling a Pathways counselor for help?


Where does a survivor call if they want to talk to a trained counselor to know their options?

What is Pathways for Change?

If the survivor is not from Central MA, Pathways will connect that person with their local Rape Crisis Center.


Does Pathways have video phones for Deaf people to talk to counselors in ASL?

What is Yes?

Deaf counselors talk on them to others.

Also there are video phones for the public to use at Pathways.


People with disabilities are at higher risk of being victims of sexual violence than people without disabilities.

What is Yes?

The rate has been found to be at least twice as much.  Some studies have shown 9 out of 10 people with disabilities are survivors of sexual violence.


Sexual violence can mean someone bullying a person to do things that are sexual.

What is True?


1.  Believing a survivor 


2.  Making sure you heard every detail to decide for yourself

What is (1.) Believing a survivor?

It is your job to be a supporter, not a detective.


A person has disclosed they are a survivor of sexual abuse.

What is refer them to Pathways for Change?

If the survivor is not from Central MA, Pathways will connect that person with their local Rape Crisis Center.


Can Pathways support a survivor while they are going through a trial at the court house?

What is Yes?

Pathways can support a survivor emotionally. They can't help with the legal paperwork or give legal advice. They may refer to the Victim Rights Law Center for legal help.


You have to be a survivor yourself in order to understand and help someone who was a victim of sexual violence.

What is No? 

You do not have to be a survivor to support a survivor to get help.


A survivor of sexual abuse is only a person who has been raped.

What is false?

Rape is only one of many different kinds of sexual abuse/violence.


1. Practicing self care when feeling stressed out and overwhelmed 


2. Ignoring the feelings and hope they go away

What is (1.) Practice self care?

Don't forget your favorite ways to take care of yourself, as you support survivors!


Where can a survivor find an app to help them to calm down?

What is offer the Survivor Support Packet?

There is access online or can download a copy from the MASS website.


Is it possible to get accommodations to support survivors with disabilities at Pathways?

What is Yes?


Only women are survivors of sexual violence.

What is No? 

Anyone can be a victim of sexual violence.


There is no support at MASS for Survivor Support Advocates.

What is False?  

There is a Survivor Support Supervisor at MASS to help the Survivor Support Advocates.


1.  Calling the police when a person says they are in trouble 


2.  Listening to what a person is asking for when they say they are in trouble

What is (2.) Listen to what the person is asking for?


Where can a person go if they are in need of medical help after a sexual assault?

What is the hospital ER?  

Once at the ER, they can ask for a counselor.

If it is not an emergency, they can call Pathways with questions, and then go to the hospital. 


Does Pathways have ways for a survivor to speak privately with a counselor?

What is Yes? 

(Unless legally mandated to report, all communication can be strictly confidential.)


Survivor Support Advocates are counselors to help get survivors to therapy.

What is No? 

Survivor Support Advocates are not counselors or therapists.
