If you must call in, what are the proper steps to take?
Reach out to your coworkers to see if you can find coverage for your shift, if you do find coverage text your boss and let her know who will be working for you. If you cannot find anyone, then you can let your boss know you have reached out, but no one is available to take your shift.
If you are in the dinning room, when should you sweep the floors?
After every meal
What cleaning should be done in a resident's room daily?
Make their bed, clean toilet, take out trash, and wipe down all surfaces.
When is it appropriate to contact a family member?
Once you have called your boss to make her aware of the situation, and she has given you the okay to do so.
When should you have your cell phone out?
When on break or at lunch
If there is a call in, who is responsible for the dinning room deep clean and showers?
The staff who are on group one and two
When in the dinning room, if an incident occurs with another staff member or a resident, what should you do?
You should come straight to your boss so the situation can be handled. You should never raise your voice with another employee or resident.
What should be done in a residents room on their deep clean day?
Strip bed, put new sheets on, deep clean the bathroom, dust, sweep/vacuum, mop, wipe down all surfaces, check freezer.
What is and is not appropriate when speaking to a family member?
Anything about another resident
Be careful what you say about your personal life
Do not attempt to talk to them about their resident medical history. Keep it basic.
How many hours prior should you notify your boss if you are calling in?
Four Hours
What is something you should never ask your supervisor when trying to call in?
"Is there anyone who can work for me"
When should plates and cups be cleared off the tables?
Before you sit down for your break
If you find that a resident has had an accident in their bed, what should you do?
Strip their bed and change sheets, take their bedding to the laundry and wash. Do not let it sit in their laundry basket.
If a resident falls or needs to be sent out, what is the proper protocol?
Notify who is on call, ALWAYS have someone help you get them up, never try to lift a resident on your own, fill out an incident report, notify family once you have had the okay to do so.
If a resident needs to be sent out, First reach out to your boss to let her know the situation and what happened, she will have you reach out to the family and the family will be the deciding factor if they want the resident to be sent out.
If you leave for your 30 minute lunch, what must you do?
Clock out
How do you know who is on call?
It will be at the top of each schedule
Guess the resident
This resident is a master at sudoku puzzles
Maxine Logsdon
How many laundry pods should you use per load of laundry?
If a resident upsets you or accuses you of something, what should you do?
You should NEVER argue with a resident. You are to always be kind, and try to work with them through the issue. If this doesn't work, come let your boss know so that she can handle the situation.
If you are unsure if something you have heard is true or not, what should you do?
Ask your supervisor
When it is appropriate to contact Kayla on maternity leave.
Anytime if you are asking about me and the baby, never if you are asking about work.
Guess the resident
This resident used to be a coal miner and live their whole life by being called the wrong name
Adan Cantu
If a resident refuses a deep clean, what should you do?
Residents do not get the option to refuse
Notify your supervisor so she can talk to the resident and tell them we have to clean it weekly.
Things you should never discuss with a resident
You should NEVER discuss any information about another resident.
*If a resident has had a fall
*If a resident has been sent out
*Any personal information should never be discussed, this violation of HIPAA
If a resident or family member tries to give you money or a gift what should you do?
Let the resident know you are not able to accept the money. Notify your supervisor and she will determine if you are able to accept the gift or not.