What is Marco's favourite household object?
A Brush
I don't have the energies
I don't have the energy
How can cloning contribute the scientific progress?
How can cloning contribute to scientific progression
recycling something of low value into something of high value
Keep your hair on
Stay calm
What is Laura's job?
A Teacher
We make confusion about these vegetables
We confused these vegetables
It reminds me to a bad period
It reminds me of a bad period
Cagey - He is cagey
He is sneaky, sly, secretive, causes suspicion
Pull your sock's up
to try and improve
How long has Marina been a student at MYES?
over 5 yrs
over 10 yrs
over 15 yrs
Over 10 yrs
It happens that I binge tv shows
I (sometimes etc) binge tv shows
I'm so proud of me
I'm so proud of myself
A type of seafood - A large Clam
Vicious Circle
A self-perpetuating negative situation
What is Marco's Masterclass Nickname?
Captain Vocabulary
We are witness about racist attacks
We witness racist attacks
I had to buy it on internet
I had to buy it on the internet
Worrying - Anxious
Big Cheese
The Boss
What colour pen do I use to make corrections?
I was astonished knowing that
I was astonished to know that
(Temperature) The air was fresh
The air was cool
Meat from a Deer
I have bigger fish to fry
I have more important priorities