Nursing Diagnosis

Open ended questions.

What is the most efficient way to elicit a thorough history from a student?


Nursing diagnosis or problem statement.

What is the type of diagnosis made during triage?


Deciding the appropriate next steps in the student's care.

What is the goal of the disposition phase of nurse triage?


Have the student request an Uber.

What is an economical way for student to get to ER if other transportation is not available and transport by EMS is not indicated?


This is what the nurse does when a 22 year-old experiencing what seems like a panic attack presents in urgent care and is having a hard time speaking.

What is guide the student in slow, deep breathing exercises?


The first step of evaluation phase.

What is summarize the steps of the care plan in a way the student understands?


The four areas to assess when taking a brief medical history.

What are chronic conditions, current medications, medication allergies, and recent illness/hospitalizations?


The primary focus of the diagnosis phase of triage.

What is determining urgency of symptoms and potential confounding factors?


The 3 dispositions in nurse triage.

What are self care at home, evaluation of condition prior to it deteriorating and definitive care prior to a catastrophic event?


When your disposition is for patient to be seen in urgent care for evaluation of a UTI but there are currently 6 patients waiting to be seen.  

When it is appropriate to call GM and/or GYN to see if they have an open appointment or the ability to see an add-on?  


Appropriate facilitation of care for a student who calls stating he is way behind in classes due to recent death of his grandfather who was an important figure in his life.

What is refer the student to ODS?


Teach back method.

What is one of the most effective ways to ensure the student understands his/her responsibility in the plan of care?


The 8 areas to assess when collecting the history of present illness, if pertinent.

What are OLDCARTS?  [onset, location, duration, characteristics, alleviating factors, relieving factors, timing and severity]


Cost, insurance type, access to specialists, family support or lack thereof.  

What are potential barriers to care in the college population?


Helpful resource if self-care at home is determined to be the best disposition.  

What are the self-care documents linked on the UHC website under "services"?


Patient safety and immediate needs.

What does the nurse assess in order to prioritize interventions?


Appropriate self-care recommendations for student with anxiety whom you referred to the counseling center.

What are stress management techniques found online in the anxiety toolbox such as daily walking or yoga and adequate sleep?


Likely the most important evaluation step for a student whom you advised self-care but where on the fence about scheduling an appointment (i.e. you were deciding between two dispositions:  self-care and evaluation prior to deterioration of condition).  

What is verifying the student knows what symptoms signify the need to seek care?


The primary goal of the assessment phase in triage.

What is to determine the patient's level of urgency?


Abdominal pain that is most notable when going over speed bumps when driving on campus.  

What is a red flag for appendicitis?


Choose the more conservative approach.

What to do if you cannot decide between 2 different dispositions?


When a student is having side effects from a medication prescribed by a specialist.  

What is an example of when it is appropriate for nurse triage to refer a student to a provider outside of UHC?


Appropriate response when a 17 year-old with a history of anxiety and asthma presents with respirations of 25, recurrent coughing, pulse ox of 88, normal pulse and blood pressure and a fearful demeanor.  

What is immediately room the patient, apply 2L oxygen via NC and guide the student in deep breathing while sending the other UC RN to notifying the UC provider?


The best way to end a triage call/visit.

What is ask the student if they have any questions or concerns?


Red flags to look for in a student suspected of having early-onset Guillain Barre.

What are numbness, tingling, and/or weakness in the lower extremities that starts in the feet and gradually moves towards head, especially if student recently had a virus or vaccine?  


Chronic back pain in student with a normal back exam and an abnormal PHQ-2.

What is an example of when the most concerning symptom from the medical professional's standpoint differs from the symptom the student is most worried about?


Symptom of allergic reaction that indicates student needs immediate, definitive plan of care to prevent catastrophic event. 

What is stridor?


PCC driving student to ED.

What is a past practice for transportation that we no longer use due to possible legal ramifications?


A professor walks a student to UHC.

What is when a student should be seen by nurse triage prior to the front desk scheduling an appointment?


The appropriate evaluation step after you sent a student with WPW syndrome to the ER after he called with complaints of fast palpitations lasting 20 minutes.  

What is initiate follow-up the following day, either by calling the student, having the PCC call the student, and/or reviewing notes from the ED?
