Brain Blockers
Test Strategies
Test Pitfalls
Anxiety Reducers

Identify the best daily strategy for test success.

Having confidence, believing in myself.


How does not getting enough sleep impact your test-taking?

It restricts the oxygen flow to your brain, impacting your ability to retrieve information


What is the first thing you should do when you get your test?

Jot down any information that has been consuming your mind.

Then look over the whole test.


Not reading the question directions.

Always read the question directions slowly.  On open response, write the question down as the first sentence so you are answering the right question.

"It is important for me to read the question directions and write the question down as a statement in the first sentence of my short answer/open response questions."


Which questions should you answer first?

Start with  the easiest questions.

Build your confidence by working your way up to the hard ones (Just be sure to budget enough time for them!)


How can you get a sense of what’s going to be on the test?

•Was taught in class.  Your teachers are experts and preparing you well!


How does test-taking when you’re hungry impact your brain?

It will negatively impact your cognitive functioning.

Your brain thinks “I need to conserve brain energy, since I only have reserve fuel” and will limit what information you can access and generate


What’s the better strategy: delving right in to answer questions or looking at the whole test first?

Skim the whole test, do some quick time budgeting, and develop a plan of where to start


Should I base my accomplishment on when my classmates finish the test?

1.Have confidence in yourself and your abilities.

2.Block everything in the room out except the test.


Before you even go to take the test, what can you do with all the worries in your mind to keep them from clouding your focus?

Write them down.


What’s the best way to answer a vocabulary question?

•Pretend it is fill in the blank.

• What's the best way to answer a __________ question.

•Use your test taking strategies to find the best answer.


How does test-taking when you’re incredibly stressed impact your brain?

It tightens your blood vessels, thereby restricting the flow of oxygen to your brain (impacting your ability to retrieve information)


List several ways to improve your odds at getting the right multiple choice answer?

Cover the answers and read the question. Think of the correct answer before looking for it.

Cross out any obviously wrong answers

Eliminate answers with extremes (like all, every, always, never, etc.)


What could go wrong if you don’t read test directions carefully?

 (And how can you ensure that you follow all the steps?)

You could misinterpret what the professor is looking for (like “circle all the answers that…” or “choose 1 of the 3 topics…”).

Underline the critical steps in the test directions, and if there are several, number them.


What should you do if you don’t understand the directions to a question?

Read the directions again!

Write down key words in the directions.

Plan your answer.


What’s the best way to answer an short answer questions?

using graphic organizers like Venn diagrams or t-charts

Come up with examples of concepts

Write at least one paragraph explaining your answer.


Sometimes the array of options on multiple choice tests impedes you from clearly recalling the correct answer. How can you prevent this?

Cover up the options so that you only see the question. Think of the answer first, then reveal the options to see which one best matches it.


If you are having difficulties with a question, what should you do?

Skip it!

But be sure mark it so you’ll come back to it. 

Use the test questions to help you understand questions you don't know.

Take slow deep breaths.


Sometimes students start writing the answer to an essay question and then realize they should have included something sooner. What can you do to address this?

Make an  pre write  such as an outline or mind-map before you start writing.


How can you keep my mind on the test?

When you’re reading, annotate. (take notes) 

Draw diagrams to help you understand difficult questions. 

Whisper read you read long passages

Read it in a funny voice in your head). Underline important details.


What should you do the morning of the test?

-Eat Breakfast! You think better on a full stomach.

-Get to the test early to eliminate any stress of arriving late

-Enjoy some quiet time. Focus on the big event.


What type of food is the worst “brain food” (and what is the best?)

The worst: Sugar and High Fat (especially fried foods).

The Best: Proteins (Dairy, Meat, Nuts)


What should you do when you’ve finished your test?

 (And what should you NOT do?)

Go back and review everything: the instructions, the questions and your answers—especially for Essay Questions. For Multiple Choice—Check that you read the question correctly and all possible answers.

Unless you see new information you didn’t have when you made your first choice, DON’T CHANGE YOUR ANSWERS.


What should I do if I freeze?

Relax. Take deep breaths,

Start writing what you CAN think of…your brain will

begin to make associations.


What should you do if you feel your stress level increasing?

•Take a minute to relax. 

•Use stress reduction techniques like deep breathing, muscle relaxation, stretching, or visualizing yourself smiling as you remember all you’ve studied.

•Use positive thoughts such as, “I’m smart, I’ve studied, and I can do this.”
