National Dishes
Controversial Movies
Sports Firsts
The Soviet Union

France: Edible land snails served in their shells, often with garlic and butter.

What is Escargot?


This 2015 romance film based on a book of the same name is about the relationship between a reporter and her subject, Christian Grey, a wealthy man who introduces her to BDSM.

What is Fifty Shades of Grey?


This Dodgers player became the first Black baseballer to play for the major leagues in 1947.

Who is Jackie Robinson?


Though this polite form of address for an older or married women has crossed over into English, it was originally the French version of "Missus".

What is Madame?



The Soviet Union was founded according to the principles of this 19th century German philosopher.


Ireland: Quick bread made with sodium bicarbonate instead of yeast.

What is Soda Bread?


This movie starring Sacha Baren Cohen as the titular character follows a Kazakhstani reporter as he travels to America and learns about U.S. culture while creating awkward moments for people who are unaware he is playing a character.

What is Borat?


In 1855 the first game of this popular cold weather sport was played in Kingston, Ontario.

What is Hockey?


This small burrowing mammal native to North, Central, and South America is famous for the armorlike covering of bony plates that protect it when it rolls into a ball.

What is an Armadillo?


This Russian revolutionary, who would later be succeeded by Stalin, was the first head of state of the Soviet Union.

Who is Vladimir Lenin?


Israel: Ground chickpeas rolled into a ball and deep fried, often served in a pita.

What is Falafel?

American History X stars Edward Norton as Derek, a member of this movement who is jailed for killing two men who sees the error of his ways while behind bars and tries to prevent his brother from following the same path,

What is White Supremacist/White Power?


The main event in the first Wrestlemania was a match between Roddy Piper and Paul Erndoff vs. Mr. T and this blonde haired, mustachioed wrestler- the most well known of the 80s and perhaps the most recognizable of all time.

Who is Hulk Hogan?


This type of person does not have a fixed home, instead wandering from place to place seasonally in search of food, water, and grazing land.

What is a Nomad?


This Soviet creation became the first artificial Earth-orbiting satellite in 1957.

What is Sputnik?


Peru: Raw fish or shellfish marinated in citrus, typically served chilled or room temperature.

What is Ceviche?


This Mel Gibson film is controversial for both its brutal depiction of Jesus' torture and execution and negative portrayals of Jewish people.

What is The Passion of the Christ?


Considered one of the best tennis players of all time, she became the first woman to be named Sports Illustrated's "Sportsperson of the Year" in 1972, shortly after defeating Bobby Riggs in the famous Battle of the Sexes.

Who is Billie Jean King?


This is a name given to a fleet of warships, such as the famous Spanish one that sailed against England during the rule of Elizabeth I.

What is an Armada? 


This man, the last to lead the Soviet Union, is known for a policy of openness as well as being named by Ronald Reagan at the start of his famous line "Tear down this wall".

Who is Mikhail Gorbachev?


Morocco: Steamed granules of sorghum, semolina, pearl millet, or bulgur served similarly to rice and given this double name.

What is Couscous?


This 1987 film by Stanley Kubrick follows shows the dehumanizing nature of the Vietnam war by following U.S. marines from boot camp to deployment.

What is Full Metal Jacket?


In 2015, American Phaoroh became the first horse to win the Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont stakes since 1978, earning this trophy.

What is the Triple Crown?


This current president of Venezuela has been in office since 2013 and was preceded by Hugo Chavez.

Who is Nicolas Maduro?


The Soviet Union was founded by this far-left Russian party, who split with their rivals the Mensheviks in 1903 over the issue of whether to have a small party of professional revolutionaries or large broad party membership.

What are the Bolsheviks?
