Rigor & DDI
RTII, Progress Monitoring & SDIs
Teacher Coaching,
Observation & Feedback
Lesson Plans, Gradebooks & Homework
Classroom Environment & Curricula

DDI is an acronym that stands for this. 

What is data-driven instruction?


RTII is an acronym that stands for this.

What is Response to Intervention?


The teacher coaching plan defines professional growth opportunities for the teacher against this rubric and is aligned to student achievement. 

What are the Instructional Standards? 


Week at a Glance Forms & daily lesson plans must be annotated and posted outside each teacher's door by this time

What is 8am?


Teachers maintain a classroom that is positive, neat and this.

What is organized?


Achievement occurs when students are provided tasks that increase in difficulty and are aligned to this set of uniform academic expectations for K–12 content areas.

What are the Common Core Standards?


SDI is an acronym that stands for this.

What is Specially Designed Instruction?


In addition to formal observations, teachers will also receive these two kinds of observations which are non-evaluative and provide actionable, time-bound, content-specific feedback.

What are Tier and Targeted observations?


All grades are recorded in eSchool and available to students and families in real time via this online platform. 

What is Home Access Center or HAC?


Mastery's ELA curriculum is named after a writer who is considered the first African-American author of a published book of poetry. 

What is/who is Wheatley?


Achievement occurs when students are provided this in the form of problem-sets, readings & writing assignments.

What are multiple at-bats?


Student goals and growth expectations are aligned to individual student needs. Data is collected during this time for IEP goals, English proficiency, attendance, grades, behavior, and post-secondary milestones/credits.

What is each report period?


Formal observations are evaluative, contribute to the teacher effectiveness component of the Teacher Advancement system and are always conducted by a principal and or assistant principal using this.

What are the Instructional Standards?


Frequent and accurate grading provides students and families transparent feedback about this.

What is students' academic progress?


Mastery's Tier 1 & 2 math curriculum is available in English and Spanish; its called Eureka. Our Tier 3 replacement math curriculum is called this.

What is Number Worlds and/or Math 180?


Achievement occurs when students are provided opportunities for this facilitated by clear directions, criteria for success, anchor charts, and other resources. 

What is independence?


Student at a Glance forms captures the student's current academic/functional levels, goals, and their individualized specially designed instruction for these two populations of learners.

What are Students with IEPs (SwIEPs) and English Learners (ELs)?


All teachers participate in a minimum of quarterly cycles of observations and feedback to support this.

What is professional development?

Homework is this.

What is important?


This is our second year with TCI as our Social Studies Curriculum; the name of our science program implies the extension or enlargement of something. 

What is amplify?


Data-driven instruction is a cyclical process consisting of these four components. 

What are assessing students, analyzing performance, adjusting instruction & tracking performance over time?


Students in need of intensified academic support are provided these types of interventions using Common Curricula. 

What are Tier 2 and Tier 3 academic interventions?


Teachers must be rated as this after each formal observation in order to potentially move up to the next performance category.

What is exceed expectations?


Homework is assigned daily at a rate of approximately this many minutes per day.

What is 10 minutes per day aligned to grade level?

Our Spanish Language Arts curriculum is called Arriba la Lectura. Our ESL curriculum is named this.

What is Continental Press?
